
Intestinal complaints: Aspirin soll Risks senken

Intestinal complaints: Aspirin soll Risks senken

Wissenschaftler has received a mediocre fund, which is the German Darmkrebsrisiko deutlich. If you deal with a medicine, your pharmacy will not be happy.

Forscher der renommierten Harvard-Universität messages are activated by a new experience: a medicine, which stood out in the Hausapotheke and was one of the least known, that could reduce the risks of a German Krebserkrankung. It is a matter of another possible Schmerzmittel aspirin. However, please note that if you take a tablet with it, you will not be able to use it.

Study with 100,000 Probands: Schützt Aspirin for Krebs?

Whoever uses the American Forscher herausfanden, can use the Wirkstoff Acetylsalicylic acid, Kurz ASS, especially with the Vorbeugung vom Dickdarmkrebs as useful. I did a study over 30 years of over 100,000 people at Massachusetts General Hospital in the backcountry.

The team has specialized in the risk of risks (Body-Mass-Index, alcohol, low activity and unweighted weight) and regular aspirin and examined these with professional ties das Schmerzmittel.

The use of Aspirin-Wirkstoff Acetylsalicylic acid is not suitable. There is a better way to view Linderung from Kopfschmerzen or at Fieber messages. In the meantime, the Schmerzmittel is also recommended by the Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen orordnet.

Das Ergebnis: Jene Gruppe, the regular aspirin, war selection and Krebs-erkrankt. When purchasing 1.98 percent, while people do not use aspirin, 2.95 percent is needed. It was a fact that the Aspirin Group’s credit crisis led to a 32-year war. At Dickdarm-krebs, the risks of 37.6 percent of the risks for persons who are one of the following life-saving measures have increased.

As “regular einnahme” is defined the Forscher-zweimal containing a dose of 325 milligrams or a label of a lower dose of 81 milligrams ASS.

  • Read more: These Schmerzmittel sollten Sie nicht zeeammen schlucken

“If the aspirin comes from abroad, the risk for proportional Dickdarm credits is high in patients with more risk factors. I think that people with a healthy lifestyle can get a smaller group of people for Dickdarm credits, and that the war in the future by aspirin will still fail sichtlich, wen auch weniger ausgeprägt,” said Studienautor Daniel Sikavi in ​​a press conference.

The mechanisms have been added to the Forscherteam complex. Aspirin can be used, the proteins are aspirated and can possibly end up in the tumors. “Aspirin can block the signaling pathway, but it is an uncontrollable pathogen,” says editor-in-chief Andrew Chan.

It may be that a few years the Aspirin-Wirkstoff gets a Wirkung to remove Krebs. More research into a Schutz through the Schmerzmittel hinge deutet. All kinds of things, and the concrete of the study nauts at Harvard, which are very bad, it is worth taking aspirin. Schon gar nicht ohne ärztliche Rücksprache.

There may be a problem with playing for a long time, and the extinguishing work in the Magen-Darm-Trakt. If you know that the Ergebnisse nor in other studies will be resolved. Deshalb is in Deutschland Aspirin und verwandte Medikamente bisher auch nicht zur Krebsvorbeugung-zugelassen.

If Krebs see their schützen, it is statutory that the risk effect towers of the flu are reduced. If you are overweight, avoid excess weight, if you exercise, do not eat, drink little alcohol, drink dust and UV radiation, and use Früherkennungsangebote (at Darmkrebs for all the Darmspiegelung) nuts. Damit ließe sich laut Experten ain Großteil der Krebsneuerkrankungen heutzutage avoid.