
Günzburger Tafel fehlen nach vor Räume

Günzburger Tafel fehlen nach vor Räume

The Günzburger Tafel and the Kleiderkammer were hit by Juni-Hochwasser and have never been like this before. The investors in the former Zettler hotels have both taken a break and continued their last years for a while. “20 years were in Zankerstraße, it was renovated at high tide. The employees grew even taller and would be grateful more than once, what a spatestens January is,” says Petra Faber, coordinator of the Günzburger and Burgauer Table.

The problem: In Günzburg it is a learning position and then it is no longer possible to achieve a social economy, which is a targeted table. „Wir sind auf Menschen angewiesen, alche die good Sache unterstützen wollen and not auf the maximum Miete angewiesen sind“, so Faber. The team leadership has evolved into the next plans from the table. Everything is separated, it’s a little more for the table. Momentarily since the rund 120 Ehrenamtlichen glücklich, the Räume im ehemaligen Hotel Zettler nuts zu können.

Auch Fahrer was spoken at the table in Günzburg

Neben Räumen such as the Fahrer-Teamleiter, Friedrich Wiesmüller, Unterstützer, the 3.5 Tonnen-Transporter der Tafelfahren. The Fahrer team has never been better, but the change and the insanity has separated how you did it. “It’s a price if we can get some serious gains. Training is the basis of the Anzahl der Teams that were written in the Monat at a certain time, so Wiesmüller. Installations and services fährt das Fahrerteam raus en holt de Waren at de Supermarkt, Bäckereien und Händlern ab. You are the man and the two go out together and set the table with the new lifestyle.

If a man or woman chooses the Räumlichkeiten or if Fahrer has a problem, he can call a Petra Faber under 08221/3676-18 or send an email to [email protected]. (AZ)