
Plank Challenge: 60 Secondary Tags | WOMEN’S HEALTH

Plank Challenge: 60 Secondary Tags | WOMEN’S HEALTH

The Plank Challenge is suitable for testing fitness on social media or in the office – so who’s in the editorial team! Jews Tag 60 Seskunde or longer in the forearm stütz of verbs, may sound abstract, but the positive effects are enormous.

Bereits nach wenigen Tagen merkst du eine verbale Muskelkraft und Ausdauer. Long-term profitability when buying a store and less kickback. There are different types of work that you can use if you want to cook and help at Abnehmen. Wer täglich mindestens 60 Sekunden plankt, wird schnell spürbare Erfolge sehen! Also bist du dabei?

Was since Planks?

Shelf mounting is suitable for your work in securing the corpermitte. If you put the strut on the ground and used it, it was a stabilizing and resuscitating Muskelkontraktion-führt, which was the joint Rumpf-umfasst. Read this article about the best plank variations you can use.

A saubere technique is that A and O, when you are in this world! Achte auf einen gerade Rücken and festen Core and schummle nicht, nur, damit du langer duchhältst. So the Unterarmstütz is correctly completed:

Main region
  1. In the Unterarmstütz gehen. The Ellenbows are a positioning of the Schultern. The Füße auf the Fußballen fest on Boden platzieren. The Rumpf makes an effort and with the photo a beautiful photo. That Position halt.

This variant can be exciting for all problems with the stutz on the hand gels:

Main region
Schultern, Bauch
  1. Vierfüßlerstand. Hands and schulters are used to position the bottom. Beine nach hinten ausstrecken. Nur die Zehenspitzen berühren den Boden. Rumpf and Gesäß tense, soft drinks from cooking a gerade Linie image. Halt position.

Was the tags Planking used?

The Planking hat tag is positively Effective on the Körper. Here are the most important Vorteile:

  1. Stärkung der Rumpfmuskulatur: Planks are one of the best solutions for the development of the Bauch and Rückenmuskulatur. A strong Körpermitte is stable and reduces the risk of losses.
  2. Improved Haltung: Regelmäßiges Planking hilft, de Körperhaltung zu verbessern. Strong trunk musculature has disabled the Wirbels function and ensured a legitimate halt.
  3. Steigerung der Ausdauer: We regularly plank, train on a regular basis. The static barbell of the muskel continues and supports the musky Ausdauer.
  4. Calorie reduction: If Planking is not a classic cardiovascular workout, the power of the static force and the strength of other people help people with weight cravings.
  5. Rückenfreundlich: Planks are a clean alternative for others who often strain their backs or necks. Unterarmstütz is strong in the musk atmosphere, but the Wirbels are not taxing.
  6. Ganzkörper training: Stütz-Variationen beanpruchen nicht nur die Bauchmuskeln, sondern auch Schultern, Brust, Beine and Gesäß. Dadurch would receive the combined Körper training.

An active study comes from the Schluss, the Planking is an effective part of the Stärkung of the Rumpfmuskulatur. The Forscher fanden heraus, de Planks wich die Bauch- als de Rückenmuskulatur significantly strong, was een verbesserten Körperhaltung und een Reduzierung van Rückenschmerzen führt. Another study on this research, that Planking no longer has strong muscle strength, improves our balance and stability, one of the most effective waffles is bluthochdruck. Kurzum: Der Unterarmstütz and their alternative variants strengthen the joint body and promote the overall fitness spürbar!

4-week training plan

Dein Training for Jews Tag

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  • jedes Workout now 20 Minutes
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  • 21 Images in pictures and video
  • 25-Seiten-PDF, auf all Geräten available

50% Rabaton all shelves

Very thick here one.

If you would like to send an email message with a download link, please see the following page. Solltest du Fragen has sent an email to [email protected].

Who starts with the 60-Sekunden-Plank-Challenge?

Before you start, it is still not the case that the plank is on the floor, it is a good idea to start and inform the schrittweise of the schrittweise. When you begin the workout, you can perform a wall test or a start or a plank with planks on the smallest hand.

A good idea Training plan for Anfänger Please contact us if you wish to follow:

  1. Week: Start with 15 Sekunden Planking. Try to take care of these things while sitting on the forearms or the handles and looking in the mirror, by video or with a training partner on your Ausführung. Mach 4 Sätze pro Tag: So you can reach 60 seconds and you will be able to do it quickly!
  2. Wednesday: Steigere dich auf 30 Sekunden Planking und mach davon 6 Sätze am Tag.
  3. Week: You spend your time at 45 weeks and spend 6 days.
  4. Woche en danach: Du schaffst jetzt locker 60 Sekunden im Unterarmstütz am Stück, laws? Integrate the program into a routine and top the minute or tomorrow and the last stutz lessons.

Fortwritten If you demand the resuscitation, no matter how you do it and the intensity increases, then the next plank variation becomes a bit of a Western tragedy. This is the best plank variant:

  1. Seitliche planks: It is worth using the seitliche Rumpfmuskulatur.
  2. Shelf with Beinheben: The body is high and the body musculature is powerful.
  3. Dynamic Planks: Kombiniere Planking mit Others Bewegungen, wie z. B. Armheben or Kniebeugen, one of the many answers to your question.
  4. Plank im Schlingentrainer: Platziere die Füße jewels in een Schlaufe und mach dann een gerade Stütz.

Was the money at Verletzungen and Bandscheibenvorfälle on the beach?

Vorsicht is boated at Verletzungen and also at Bandscheibenvorfällen! In die fall you will see the fall with a few things you can do, if you are one of the most rückenschmerzen.

Falls Verletzungen vorliegen, solltest du die Plank anpassen. If you can change the shelf by adjusting the shelf, you can adjust the shelf variants while the shelf is on the clamp or with the support on a wall.

Rückenschmerzen at Planks: Ursachen und Prävention

Schmerzen is a warning sign. If you see if the problem occurs when testing the best technology and ggf. alternative Übungen in Betracht zeehen. Many people complain about rugschmerzen, which or that they have made planks, were often the following Ursachen zurückzuführen ist: A high Ursache for Rückenschmerzen is a false Plank-Technik. An ongoing relationship or a higher tax may be levied on the lending. Many people do not pay attention to the correct position of the head. This can only be found in the fall and depends on the wiring wish list. Achte darauf, dass de in Körper eine gerade Bildet, vom Kopf bis zu den Fersen!

If you are preparing, you can test the best plank ausführung via video or with a training partner who follows the training and gets the right results. Often we can see through the body without losing weight, absorbing the power of the muscle muskulatur. Taking breaks and completing a full workout of exercise intensity can be a heavy burden, one that hinders you.

Hand problem with planks: Ursachen und Lösungen

Viele Frauen messages von Handgelenksbeschwerden beim Stütz auf den Händen. Here are some tips to help you solve this problem:

  1. Changing plank positions: Make sure the forearms of the planks rest on the hand. This reduces the pressure on your hands!
  2. Shop of the Handgelenke: If you are sure that the hand gel is in a neutral position, it is not likely to be greatly affected.
  3. Hand position failed: If the Zeigefinger is a little more, the Finger weit zu spreizen. Achte auf eine gleichmäßige Druckverteilung der Hand am Boden and vor allem darauf, dass der Bereich zwischen dem Daumen and dem Zeigefinger gut wanted.
  4. Hand gel attachments: Hold hands during specific connections and dehnungen, a way you can remove the loads. Before using Plank-Training, you can test the handles of the mobilization exercises.
  5. Pause an empty: At Schmerzen you can take a break and enjoy plank alternatives in the best way.

The plank is a working fitness waffle, which isn’t even like that

Shelves can all be very simple, it is a static construction. For a balanced training, it is important that Planks make combinations with others of all Muskel groups during the functional operation, the Zusammenspiel of Muskelketten and Gelenken schools, so strong. Here’s an idea: Ganzkörperübungen: Combination planks with dynamic crushing, Liegestützen (on Knien or an der Wand) and AusfallschRITen.

Anything to strengthen? Then you combine the Plank Challenge with development and mobility, a flexibility that you can increase and expand. For an additional fat burner, the stützübung can be carried out on the first washing line, a Herz-Kreislauf system is strong.

The board no longer starts to dry, but continues with the stability and stopping. When it comes to a machine, this has a positive effect. If you’re doing a fitness workout, this is still a problem because the plank is a good idea.

Training plan

Visible Bauchmuskeln in 8 Wochen

Training plan sees Bauchmuskeln in 8 weeks
  • Bodyweight training
  • 36 View as image and video
  • 40-Seiten-PDF auf all Geräten available

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Very thick here one.

After following an email with a download link. Solltest du Fragen has sent an email to [email protected].

Park, S.; Choi, BH; Jee, YS (2023): Effects of plank exercises on respiratory capacity, physical fitness and immunocytes in older adults. In: J Exerc rehabilitation. URL:, jijetzt abgerufen am 24.06.2024.

Edwards, J.J.; Deenmamode, AHP; Griffiths, M.; Arnold, O.; Cooper, NJ; Wiles; J.D.; O’Driscoll, JM: Exercise training and resting blood pressure: a large-scale pairwise and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. In: British Journal of Sports Medicine. URL:, jijetzt abgerufen am 24.03.2024.