
Federal Minister Karl Lauterbach is coming to the people

Federal Minister Karl Lauterbach is coming to the people

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) is calling for the coming Woche das Saarland. That is the Saarland Minister of Health Magnus Jung (SPD) at a podium discussion with the Krankenhaus-Direktoren in Trier.

Auf Anfrage erklärte eine Sprecherin des Saar-Ministeriums, Lauterbach was gegen gegen at 2.30 PM for a tour at the SHG-Klinikum in Völklingen erwartet. Dort Wolle is in common with Jung to view the Intensive Station and the Herzcatheter Labor. I am in the clinic dealing with the war and the reform of the Krankenhaus and the active operations in the general politics of the Sprache.