
Schröder with “Chagall” in Albertina-Endspurt

Schröder with “Chagall” in Albertina-Endspurt

Combines typical Chagall motifs: “Der Papierdrachen” from 1925/26 © APA/Albertina

It’s not even an end to a strong Ausrufezeichen! With “Chagall”, General Director Klaus Albrecht Schröder brought into the limelight of his responsible Herbstausstellung nor a single great Malerstar in the Albertina. Rund 100 Werke was transported, a period of damage over time that went unnoticed for eight years. Russia’s Angriffskrieg auf Ukraine Power de Zustandekommen are not guessed lightly.

It has become a sumptuous show, which Schröder – in common with Kuratorin Gisela Kirpicsenko – for the last blessing with the end of December, 25-year-old time since his life was: uppig, farbenprächtig, with working on all living stations, fell davon Großformate. He gave Marc Chagall (1887-1985) a guest performance in the house after the opera under Schröders Direktion in 2004. Damals are known for the ‘poetic abusers of the classical modern’ with the Bible in the middle point. Looking back at the future is one of the few segments that the Hausherr in the Freitag has during the press event.

Trotz der Vielseitigkeit, dieser fast 100 Years alt, Künstler im Laufe der Jahrzehnte seinem Work angedeihen hat lassen, gibt es Constanten. It is one of the most important things in the Small Town of Witebsk, in the Chagall, which is displayed in most cases. Fight war damals Teil des Zarenreichs and lie heute in Belarus. Let the Maler sail in the blessing Bilderwelt on the one from Lebensjahre. Entsprechend seiner aus dem orthodoxe östlichen Judentum can be distorted protagonists, who during the Luft-schweben or a duck of the best games, became in common with the Aushebelung der Gesetze von Raum and Perspektive gewissermaßen as original overwindung of the jüdischen Bilderverbots it is a wall text .

Others by Chagall in Witebsk have themes and (Tier-)Motive, which see through their work: Geburt, Mutterschaft and Tod nehmen een central stelwert, dörflicher Alltag, Kühe, Ziegen, Stiere, später auch Hähne, Geigenspieler or Clowns are quickly invisible File teile blessinger oft surprising compositions. “Man will not be judged by Chagall without justice,” said Schröder. When I got out of the international einfluss – and it was a few stipends from 1910 after Paris, I went to take a nap with Henri Matisse and the Fauves in contact with each other. You have found the “Glut der Farben”. Under his auch auf jenes Prinzip gestoßen, the whole of the Hasidischen Glaubenstradition entsprochen habe: “Nicht den Sehsinn, without the Empfindung zum Primat zu erklären”, as Schröder said.

Statt eines plants Kurzaufenthalts zurück in Witebsk 1914 blieb Chagall informed the Ausbruchs des Ersten Weltkriegs and der Revolution for eight years in Russia. Diesen Zeitraum wolllte Schröder eigentlich mit Leihgaben aus dem Russian Museum in St. Petersburg and the Tretjakow-Galerie in Moscow abdecken. „Vor fun Jahren, als Ich Belschlossen Habe, Dass Chagall My Letzte Große Ausstellung der Moderne Sein Soll, Habe ich Natürlich Angefragt und Auch Alles Zugesagt Bekommen – Sogar More, Als ich Angefragt HABE HABE HABE HABE HABE HABE. Aber mit dem 24. Februari 2022 (dem Beginn des Ukraine-Kriegs, Anm.) hat sich das eremptt. Europe has received the same resources from Russia, but Russia has received few more resources in the West. So this is one of many years that the Albertina chef has been working in the APA department.

A man also has two Russian institutions that now work on their own 30 Leihgebern from the geese World in the Ausstellung. “That is because the costs are lower in the higher levels, but the quality is not reduced,” said Schröder above all. Grundsätzlich is a “catastrophe, if the Teil Russlands, is a core file of the European History, the jetzt of Europe is abgeschnitten by that entsetzlichen Angriffskrieg”. Sollte die Kultur also Brücken bauen? “It is worthwhile to use the Kalten Krieges during a cultural culture. Insofern man natural legends: If only war was possible, it could also be possible to say.” All things have in themselves acted as a conflict between two Blöcken, in which there are no other grounds to which Existenzberechtigung abgesprochen habe. “Jetzt ist (von Russland, Anm.) so that the rights of the people will be respected, so that the state will not be a state,” said Schröder.

For Chagall, the eight Russian years in 1922 were a waste of time in his homeland. There is a good trip to France and Verbracht as a hereditary Künstler die glücklichsten Jahre seines Lebens, meinte Kuratorin Kirpicsenko. During the lifetime of the national socialists, who take this light form, the image dies in the form of a mission or through the motivation that a few lies come out in a flower vase, a straight end. Chagall is looking for the escape after New York, where Mrs. Bella is no longer, but a Fremder is happy that there is no English language.

1948, when the Maler schließlich nach Frankreich zurück and ließ itself on the Côte d’Azur was lower, there were those remaining handsome four Jahrzehnte seines Lebens bleiben sollte. Gemeinsam with Matisse and Picasso are the largest three-dimensional sculptures of modern times. There is no longer a retrospective on the Aufträge zur Ausstattung der Opernhäuser in Paris and New York or Churches and Synagogues with Glasfenstern celebrations with fortschreitendem Alter seinen internationalen Ruhm. Diesen hat Schröder im Laufe signal Direction auch für die Albertina vermehrt. The Ausstellung ended on February 9, 2025. Dann gave Ralph Gleis the Geschicke des Hauses Leiten.

Ausstellung “Chagall” in der Albertina, Wien 1, Albertinaplatz 1, until February 9, 2025, cf. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mon to Fri 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Catalog: 39.90 Euro.