
Kulturtipps der Woche – Der nackte Wahnsinn: Fun Ausgehtipps en keine Fortsetzung – Kultur

Matisse in the Beyeler-Museum, Musik im Bergwerk: Here since the Empfehlungen from our editorial staff. Zum allerletzten Mal!


Farbige Darstellung einer lie, nackten Frau auf blauem Hintergrund.

Zum Niederknien: Die Henri-Matisse-Retrospektive in the Beyeler-Museum gives an impression of the Schaffen des Grossmeisters. (Grand nu couché (Nu pink))

Succession H. Matisse / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich / Mitro Hood

Matisse in Riehen. Was a real man, when the Schlechtwettersaison a Grauschleier über das Lebensgefühllegt? Light and Farbe! The Fondation Beyeler has the perfect antidote to the winter blues with the “Matisse – Einladung zur Reise”. Henri Matisse, the Master of Farben, traveled to the world with the perfect Light of the South: Italy, Morocco, Tahiti. Die Ausstellung says that there are inspiring lies and many more new things. Congratulatory! (Alice Henkes)


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“Matisse – Einladung zur Reise” will be available at the Fondation Beyeler on January 26, 2025.


Bergwerk music in Bex. Die Schweiz is a Bergwerkland. We can’t do things anymore, we don’t want to talk and play anymore. In four different mines the Stück Bergwerkmusik des Komponisten und Chemikers Beat Gysin aufgeführt. Part of the Rahmen program was light in nature through the music: Künstlerinnengespräche, historical Führungen and Wanderungen machen das Projekt erlebbar. (Luca Bruno)


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The Salzwerk will be played in Bex (VD) on September 28 and 29.

Movie tip

Two Manner in Leather Jackets with Pistols in a Dunklen Raum.

George Clooney and Brad Pitt have become one figure in ‘Wolfs’ – about the Kinoflaire power of the Streifen-weiger Spass.


Situations comedy in «Wolfen». In the Nullerjahren War, the Gleichung is simple: George Clooney + Brad Pitt = Kinohit. How the Starsystem is expanded and the Streaming-Riesen can create even more exclusive productions on their own platforms. So with the development of Star-Vehicle “Wolfs”, in their partner’s Clooney and Pitt, Willen, von Apple and the rule of Leine became. For Leinwand-Lover it is time to Heulen, both «Ocean’s»-Buddies will change their form. The clever construction of situations that occur in the Kino is no longer functional. (Selim Petersen)


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«Wolfs» will be available on Apple TV+ with streaming on September 27, 2024.

Literature tip

Gray in the summer. The new Roman von Mareike Krügel played in a Dorf in Norddeutschland. Flache Felder, a heisser summer. In «Delete everything here», Krügel describes a very small Idyll, without a pair of people in Grauen. The most striking thing is that the main character Martina is like this. Sie Wittert in ihrem Umfeld nur Böses. Is le level de fussmatte, de kaputten autoreifen – alle wat is, or is Martina tatsächlich in Gefahr? Beim Lesen steht man auf wackeligem Boden. Genau that power diesen Roman so exciting. (Katja Schönherr)


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Mareike Krügel: «Delete everything here». Piper, 2024.

Album tip

A bikini at the spa. It is the zurzeit that is the most common Schweizer Künstlerin in Grossbritannien. The BBC radio stations play Anna Erhard’s Tracks and bovine, the London, Glasgow and Manchester concerts meet the Europe tour when they are sold out. Das Geheimrezept der in Berlin lived Songwriterin aus Chur? Ihr humor. A man who has an album to his name, wieder and hoe Ecke. When you’re in the bikini resort number at the spa, or when your camp fans meet the Blue Man Group, it’s all one of the most exciting things. (Luca Bruno)

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