
Polizeigewerkschaft will be punished for children during their lifetime

Polizeigewerkschaft will be punished for children during their lifetime

Given the zunehmende Verbreitung von Messern bei Jugendlichen, the Deutsche Polizeigewerkschaft (DPolG) will die with more Verboten and Vorbeugung. What is a point in a nice punk plan is that the changes in the Penal Ammunition last at least a year – from 14 criminal bars at the latest. It would be about the “Palette of Unterstützungs- en Hilfsmöglichkeiten höhen”, teilte the smaller and more conservative of the police work schaften mit.

This müsse is a waffenverbot for debts, youth and sports institutions with clear penalties. “Messer und Schule passengers nicht zeeammen. Debt must be freer.’ We read that more personal and money-saving measures have been taken by the state, the Ausbau von bereits laufende prevention programs with more personal and money that refused maßnahmen further into debt.

Knapp 400 Kinder und Jugendliche als Verdächtige nach Taten mit Messern registered

In Berlin, the police are behind the scenes and there are always more children and young people with punishments with messages. If children are up to 14 years old, things go wrong after 52 years in 2020 to 142 years ago. During the youth years 14 and 17 years, who were a Messer zur Drohung or zum Angriff einset, those Zahlen deutlich höher: 2020 were es 255, which of the Police were as mutmaßliche Täter festgestellt, 2022 were es 392 and in the years 369.

Auch die Gesamtzahl aller Verdächtigen zu Taten mit Messern stieg in Berlin since 2020 deutlich an: from 1948 auf 2575 im letzten Jahr. Most of them were men in history.

The police register in a year registered at 3482 Straftaten, when a player plays a role-playing game, while the trade in Drohungen increases. Es gab aber 1135 leicht verletzte Menschen, 207 Schwerverletzte und 14 Tote durch Messerstiche. (dpa)