
South Tyrolean Costumes at “Salone del Gusto” – South Tyrol News

South Tyrolean Costumes at “Salone del Gusto” – South Tyrol News

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Turin – Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft, high-quality regional Lebensmittel and gastronomic Vielfalt: That’s the theme, that’s what it’s all about At the end of September at the “Terra Madre Salone del Gusto” in Parco Dora in Turin, everything is exciting. With the following: the South Tyrolean quality products South Tyrolean Wein DOC, South Tyrolean Apfel ggA and South Tyrolean Speck ggA and the products with the quality South Tyrol Milch, Brot, Beer, Cider, Kaminwurzen as well as Obstprodukte. You can present yourself to the stand of IDM South Tyrol together with Slow Food South Tyrol and your South Tyrol “Presidi”. These cooperatives are committed to traditional quality products, which are characterized by changes in production, are based on the sustainability of the landscape and environmental systems, experience traditional repair methods and protect local Nutcracker varieties and Nutcrackers.

The “Salone del Gusto” is a publication veranstaltung that was founded in 1996 by Slow Food and lasted the entire two years in Turin. With 3,000 Slow Food delegates from 120 Ländern, über 180 Erzeugergemeinschaften, 600 Ausstellern and 300,000 Besuchern from the Inland and Ausland, the “Terra Madre Salone del Gusto” is on the largest international platform for the theme of Lebensmittelpolitik, nachhaltige Landwirtschaft and Umwelt . Neben Verkostungen und fooden Experiences include the Veranstaltung auch Workshops en zahlreiche Konferenzen with high karätigen internationalen Reference/-inning of the most important Themen around the Environment, biological Vielfalt and Zugang zu Lebensmitteln.

„I am a central point who supports the development of qualitative regional living, who also enjoys more food in the gastronomy. This is what the ‘Salone’ offers for small neighborhoods and quality of life – everything that you will find in South Tyrol. Das Event is also an ideal environment, a high-quality product from South Tyrol in the public sector, which is the Fachleuten, the Slow Food Community and interesting for all Welt coexistence,” says Paul Zandanel, PR-Verantwortlicher for the South Tyrolean Quality products at IDM, in Turin for Ort ist. “One of the South Tyrolean products that are great, organizes the presentations, cooking workshops with wine accompaniment and product sales with South Tyrolean Genussbotschaftern, Produzent/-innen and Köch/-innen, where you can also come up with your own product.”

The quality of products and products with the quality of South Tyrol is one of the traditional products of Villnösser Brillenschaf, Grauvieh, Altreier Kaffee aus Lupinen, Urpaar and Graukäse in Südtirolstand zu find, vertreten von ihren jeweiligen Erzeugergemeinschaften. With Villnöss and their Schnalstal in two South Tyrolean destinations at the “Salone”. Villnöss presents itself as a Slow Food Travel Region; Slow Food Travel Destinations offer the best travel options for active and relaxing activities with local products. The Schnalstal informs about the archaic Brauch of the Schafübertriebs of Vent in the Ötztal, also as Transhumanz bezeichnet, in the immaterial Weltkulturerbe of the UNESCO organization.