
Aus Harry Potter and Downton Abbey are Oscar winners

Aus Harry Potter and Downton Abbey are Oscar winners

Maggie Smith stood out as the evil Professor McGonagall in Erinnerung. (Quelle: Warner Bros.)
Maggie Smith stood out as the evil Professor McGonagall in Erinnerung. (Quelle: Warner Bros.)

Maggie Smith stood out as the evil Professor McGonagall in Erinnerung. (Quelle: Warner Bros.)

The British theater artist and Oscar winner Maggie Smith is up to. You can change it in 89 years. In a statement from Söhne Toby Stephens and Chris Larkin Kontext:

You will be on your way to the Krankenhaus tomorrow, September 27. They are a private person and a war in the Kreis, with their friends and family. If the underlying meaning is great and fun for a single child, then it is Boden zrstört since über de Verlust ihrer außergewöhnlichen Mutter and Großmutter. If you are in a convenient location, one of the wonderful things about Chelsea and Westminster Hospital is for your nourishment and an unusual friend who will express your gratitude.

Downton Abbey and Harry Potter

In 1934, Maggie Smith was born among the fragmented Schauspielerinnen in the generation. Ihre Karriere started at Oxford Playhouse in the 1950s. Ihren Film-Durchbruch hates a small role as a party guest in Child in the House (1956).

Maggie Smith has taken a photo of a career with nominations and awards for the award. The Oscar-Trägerin won the Academy Award in 1969 as Best Hauptdarsteller for his role in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and in 1978 as Best Nebendarsteller for California Suite.

An international description and recognition are the British during their roles as Countess of Grantham in Downton Abbey (2010-2015), such as Professor McGonagall in the Harry Potter Films (2001-2011).

Harry Potter and the Holy Ghost 2 - Kino-Trailer for a Potter-Film - Kino-Trailer for a Potter-Film
Harry Potter and the Holy Ghost 2 - Kino-Trailer for a Potter-Film - Kino-Trailer for a Potter-Film

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Harry Potter and the Holy Ghost 2 – Kino-Trailer for a Potter-Film – Kino-Trailer for a Potter-Film

Smith made film and production productions in the 1970s and waged war on theater stages to see. Selbst nach ihrer Krebserkrankung war sie 2019 noch sechs Wochen lang an der Produktion A German Life door Christopher Hampton beteiligt.

1970 was transferred by the British King Elisabeth II. they were awarded Commander of the Order of the British Empire and 1990 they were awarded Dame Commander of the British Empire. You act as a government service, the person in the Peerage is there.

Those fans trauern

Maggie Smith, as Professor Minerva McGonagall, has prägt the Childhood and Youth of Veld. Most years have had some Harry Potter Stars broadcasts – and Alan Rickman 2016 or Michael Gambon 2023.

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Auf X zeigen sich Fans are the best and most sad about their Nachricht. If you find an inner film and a cartoon, you will find many images from Harry Potter and erhobenen Zauberstäben – a gesture from the film, which symbolizes the respect for the versers.

Maggie Smith is still not able to watch roles: All 6 Staffeln from Downton Abbey find their action on Netflix, all Harry Potter films can appear on Amazon Prime.