
Politikwissenschaftlerin über AfD-Umgang: “As eigennützig enttarnen”

Remember that Heike Klüver has drawn attention to the question of whether the Botschaften can use the right-wing extremist AfD function. And don’t forget.

Protesting stop with a shield with the inscription:

Moreover, there is a strategy that makes the AfD stubborn and undemocratic Photo: Stefan Boness/Ipon

taz: Frau Klüver, after the Wahlen in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg, with the AfD jewels one and über 30 Prozent won konnte, wirkt the Konkurrenz hiflos. Was it a matter of the theme and communication of the established parties?

Heike Klüver: Once you know it is a strategy, the AfD will no longer function: you will be able to quickly get over the migration of who the AfD is. Leider passert genau das.

is professor and professor of the Lehrbereich “Politische Verhalten in Vergleich” at the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. In one of the opaque investigations of the study ‘How can we break the appeal of populist parties?’ an influence of rhetorical strategies on the degree of AfD Unterstützung of 24,000 Germans is found.

taz: Ampel und Union versuchen durch Politiek maßnahmen Glaubwürdigkeit bei dem Thema zurückzugewinnen. Why is this not functional?

Kluver: Since the establishments of the Thematic Migration activities have started, the weight distribution will take place in political brackets. The Forschung said, the owner of the issue, in the fall of the AfD, in height. If you base it on the theme migration, the AfD will certainly receive more attention.

taz: Heißt das, is this the jetzige Themenlage of the AfD-hilflos-ausgeliefert?

Kluver: No. Partei, zvilgesellschaftliche Akteure und Medien können eigene Schwerpunkte setzen. If you don’t do this you may end up with a bigger breakthrough experiment. If one of the Frage themes in the Wahlkämpfen fulfill the function of the AfD, while other zur Frage participates in the right-wing populists on social media, this can be done.

taz: Schauen wir uns ihre first Study genauer an. If you understand, with the themes that the Union discusses, the AfD will develop further. Was war Ihr Ergebnis?

Kluver: Uncertain hypothetical war, that Keil-Themen, also Themen, is an unreliable position with the AfD and the CDU-gibt, outside of its own identity. While the Union’s position on the Wahl-O-Maten for the Bundestagswahlkampf 2021 meeting is being determined, the Wahlplak is being upgraded and 2,500 people are moving forward. Wir woolen messenger, ob die Wahlbereitschaft for the AfD changes.

taz: And?

Kluver: View all studies: the war that the current is experiencing is a fictional campfire. If there are a few examples of an identifiable theme in the EU Mitgliedschaft, there could be more Fake-News and investments in social housing, which could become Wahlbereitschaft for the AfD. Statistics on the migration themes that occur in the future are the themes of concrete, which are a Keil in the AfD-Wählerschaft treiben, we will not find it even a little.

taz: In one unexplained study, there are rhetorical strategies that are part of social media that are effective in strengthening the AfD community.

Kluver: Parteien nutzen online de verschiedensten Strategies. While we ignore the AfD and betonen in our own Leistungen, others can become insulted and reconciled with the AfD. There are überprüfen, which strategy functions, with 170 real Botschaften from the Netz community, Parteilogos and these 24,000 people vorgelegg. In addition to the big war guiding the strategy, the AfD is wayward and undemocratic on the rise.

taz: Can you look at a specific topic?

Kluver: In a Post that functions so well, it is a challenge who notices the AfD as a defender of women’s rights. If you see a heuchelei, you will be helped by the faction with the smallest Frauenanteil in the Bundestag. The broader prüchlichkeit der AfD-afzuzeigen, shines Menschen zu überzeugen.

taz: In the US, Tim Walz, the Vize-Präsidentschaftscandidate of the Democrats, a large group with his strategy, Donald Trump as ‘weird’, also considered him to be succumbing. Do you want that in Deutschland erolgreich signal?

Kluver: It must be tested empirically. The AfD as “weird” is a negative campaign. After he said: “That AfD is strange, we are in favor of a neoliberal economic policy, with a large number of Wählerinnen and Wähler von mehr Sozialleistungen profitable würde,” he dies in the Richtung der Eigennutz-Enttarnungs-Strategie.

taz: Sie beschäftigen sich veld with Fragen der Kommunikation. Isn’t the news from the AfD even a reaction to the policies of the Federal government and to the immigration reforms?

Kluver: The rise of the AfD is of course no longer a bad communication. These factories are a real world and a global economy that plays a major role and the hearts of the politics of transformation. What’s more, if parties are to find effective strategies, and together with the AfD, that is essential for our democracy.