
Musk explains how the Krankenstand in Grünheide zur Chefsache | 27.09.24

Musk explains how the Krankenstand in Grünheide zur Chefsache | 27.09.24

GRÜNheidE (dpa-AFX) – Roads of the hohen Krankenstands im Tesla-Werk in Grünheide will be Firmenchef Elon Musk personal view of the low machine. “That sounds really good. I’m happy with it,” commented one X-Post, which is extremely serious about the illness of the work and the theme.

Tesla hated the Kurzem father when things went wrong, which is a high degree of control of the work in the Grünheide Hausbesuche-abstattete. Hausbesuche seien nichts Ungewöhnliches – “das machenviele Unternehmen”, as Werksleiter André Thierig der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. “Wir wil de Arbeitsmoral der Belegschaft appellieren.” IG Metal’s criticism one day is higher than car factory production and home ownership is a “deviant action”.

Excluding the uncontrolled house is a Tesla that uses a higher Kranken setting in the summer months. “Phase weise hat there 15 Prozent oder more erreicht,” says Thierig. In Grünheide in Brandenburg, Tesla has more than two Jahren Elektroautos her. Dort labor nach Unternehmensangaben knapp 12.000 Beschäftigte./jcf/DP/men