
Ukraine News: Selenskyj triffs on Biden, Trump and Harris in New York

Ukraine News: Selenskyj triffs on Biden, Trump and Harris in New York

7:40 PM | 266,000 Ukraine-Flüchtete in Deutschland in Arbeit

The jobs of nach Deutschland geflüchteten Ukrainians and Ukrainians are inzwischen na ergolgreich. All in September 8,500 Ukrainian government bonds are on the Arbeitsmarkt, an Ausbildung or a self-chosen Tätigkeit issue, teilte Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil mit. It’s more like it fell in September 2023. “Diese Zahlen said, that the Job-Turbo deutlich works,” Heil stated.

Trotz des konjunkturell schwierigen Umfelds seien in July 2024 rund 266,000 der gut 700,000 nach Deutschland kommenen Ukrainianrinnen und Ukrainian im erwerbsfähigen Alter beschäftigt, 213,000 von ihnen sozialversicherungspflichtig. 53,000 pieces of a Minijob.

6:39 PM | Ukraine wehrt anscheinend russian Panzerangriff ab

One of the camp troops of the Ukrainian brigade has abdicated his own attack near the camps in the east of the lands of one of the Russian armored personnel. Of the cattle 50 vehicles can be damaged, 40 of them will be destroyed, the Agentur Ukrinform reported. Neben Panzern und Schützenpanzern seien auch panzerte Mannschaftswagen zerstört. The Angaben butts cannot be removed.

The Brigade explains the Donners Day camps in a video on Facebook. Russian Einheiten hatten versucht, in Kupjansk by the Ukrainian Verteidigungslinien zu stoßen.

5:45 PM | Selenskyj triffs on Trump, Biden and Harris in New York

Ukrainian Secretary of State Wolodymyr Selensky has hit the US trip with US presidents and Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump. Both came together in Trump’s Hochhaus Trump Tower in New York. “We had the common perception that the Krieg in the Ukraine was stopped,” said Selenskyj. Trump said he was “Ehre, the president is one of the people you want.” Attention is drawn to and Selensky is “big”.

Trump hates the confrontation during a press conference. Selensky has felt that he is the Republican. Trump, who elected his US presidents in November, will see massive US financial and military support for critical Ukraine. If there was any wisdom, the Krieg was so fortunate, Trump could still be one – ohne jedoch Details zu nennen, wie er machen wollen würde.

Selensky is the time of general cooperation between the United States in the United States. In Washington, it was about other people with US President Joe Biden and the representative of Kamala Harris, the chairman of the Democratic Party, to send the country’s anhaltende unterstützung for the representation of Russia to Russia. It is true that both American presidential candidates are in conflict, for example Selenskyj.