
Brauriese Oettinger is a new trend: Getränke mit Proteinen

Brauriese Oettinger is a new trend: Getränke mit Proteinen

Brauriese Oettinger is a new trend: Getränke mit Proteinen

Beer cabinets from Oettinger can be stacked on a getränkemarkt

Für good beer is possible in Oettinger

© Manfred Segerer / IMAGE

Der Brauriese will machen unabhängiger vom schrumpfenden Biermarkt. The device has been notified of proteins – and new markers

Tom Inden-Lohmar gets a new job under the Haut. After the marketing expert in 2022 in the Berlin American spirit market, while the getränkehersteller Oettinger has a new tattoo machine, this arm is now a mampe logo in a beer bottle.

Beer – for all good beers – is the product that is the best way to connect with Oettinger. With an Ausstoß von fast 7,5 Millionen Hektolitern zählt das Familienunternehmen of Bayern zu den 25 größten Brauereien der Welt. If the Auftrag von Inden-Lohmar in Oettingen has now done a beraterjob, then the marketing chief is one of the best ways to show the beer: There is such a solution that the transformation of a billigbier repairer from a getränkeunternehmen at the Kunden- arrival comes.

Wie alle großen Brauer kämpft Oettinger with the strong sinking Bierkonsum of the Germans. 2021 write about the products, which contributes to the trade mark of discount products, pleasure. The new chef Stefan Blaschak has gotten the idea that the Abhängigkeit vom Biermarkt is being reduced. By 2026, the alcohol-free amount will be made from 14 to 40 percent alcohol-free. In addition to the products: the great market segment of functional drinks, also Getränke with Zusätzen, and proteins.

“Beer could be”

It is clear that there is a functional effect with proteins that cannot be used by the Marke Oettinger, but the pedigree of the industry, such as Inden-Lohmar. Deshalb schuf man a Schwestermarke name Oe, van der dieses a first product in the Regale comb: a self-chosen soft drink with proteins and fruit flavor. So bought Oettinger from Start-up Joybräu from Insolvenz. Dessen alkoholfreies Proteinbier is an “ideal Ergänzung”, says the Manager: “Bier können wir.”

The Tradition House is new, the first with innovative products on the market – the latest trends are new, they look great and more new products are being added. A new attempt to help me became sparse and quiet Swabia, while the TV campaign still did not exist. There is now a Brand Manager for the only Marken, who helps an agent, ultimately Kooperations with Influencern – so a new lease of life has been given.

It is a fact that the Marken “trennscharf” comes to the fore, to Inden-Lohmar. With Oe Oettinger lives at the Massenmarkt, with the protein-rich Joybräu-Drinks from Fitnessfans, the Muskelaufbau is not woolen. If the Wachstum is made at the Funktionsdrinks, the Rückgänge im Stamgeschäft zu compensations, must be seen first. The peculiarity is that the innovation zeit has arisen, one of the things that happened in Inden-Lohmar. It is all clear: “Now that we have little marketing success, we will not be rich.”


Die Anfänge von Oettinger reichen zurück ins Jahr 1731. In 1956 the Kollmar family of the Bayerische Brauerei dies. The tall chef Günther Kollmar has prepared a great meal. The families are heard at the Dosenbiermarke 5.0 Original in the Limomarke Glorietta. 2023 will amount to approximately 380 million. Euro Umsatz.

Maybe in Capital 10/2024