
New SAP Garden in Munich and digital experience

New SAP Garden in Munich and digital experience

“The war is one of the most important events,” says Fadi Naoum, SAP Head of Sports and Entertainment, who focuses on Anwendung War programming. „There are many Vortests in the bisherigen Eishalle in the Olympiapark during the flight, one of the most likely things you can do. Der Fan sollte im Mittelpunkt stehen and een infache operbarkeit.”

It is possible to connect an external system to an intritt. If fans in the garden have a QR code in the app, then it is time to use a Begrüßungsnachricht, where we can find more information. So oh, if you log into your free WLAN. This purchase of a bonus system is a bonus system, a woman who makes a purchase of Essen and trinkets, who can buy merchandise punks, that man can exchange in different coupons.

“The fans can purchase a price on merchandise or other discount coupons or other products,” explains Schubert. “It is important to understand the different promotion systems of our working partners. A discount voucher for a free Red Bull Getränk is offered.”

For Zugang zum Garden it is not possible not to use the app. “Man can print out his paper ticket if he wants,” Schubert states clearly. “Der Fan is in the Mittelpunkt and has never used an App-runterladen. Man cannot technically be good, but that is not the case. The war is not hard.”

Kulinarisches Angebot gibt fell in the garden. With the classic currywurst, you can call the fans and 13 kiosks and bowls and wraps essential. “Es gibt sogar Kaiserschmarrn”, Schubert wrote. If one of the best apps that offer apps is an in-app pre-order, a woman can order Essen and trinkets and use a splashy counterpart.