
Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis und Künstliche Intelligenz · Leipziger Zeitung

In Freitag, on the 27th of September, we were in the Haus des Buches from the 17th of Elstercon open-air, from the 27th to the 29th of September. Since 1992, the Meetings of the German Science Fiction Society have been a tradition of the “Freundeskreis Science Fiction Leipzig eV” every two years since 1992. About 200 literary friends meet fans with cars and stories. View Denis Scheck’s literary criticism of British author Adrian Tchaikovsky.

It consists of 12 parts of the novel series “Schwarmkriege” and the American-American writer Edward Ashton was unable to follow this part. When Roman “Mickey7” was introduced by South Korean Director Bon Joon, it was adapted into a film and will hit Kinos in January 2025.

Reactions at the end of the Elstercon were the 44. Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis in 10 Categories vom besten Novel über de best Kurzgeschichte und de best Film bis zur besten Grafik vergeben. Benannt is the prize awarded to the Gothen grammar school professor and writer Kurdish Laßwitz, who started German science fiction literature with his Roman ‘Auf zwei Planeten’ in 1897.

In the lesson, Vorträgen und Gesprächen des 17. Elstercon is a smart intelligence, the Überschrift lautet “Wahrheit auf der Flucht – Wirklichkeit in Gefahr?!”

Knowledge of science is a long history of science fiction literature, others may be in a tool for writing, books, recording and graphic applications.

Of course it’s the 17th. Elstercon at a small trade fair for science fiction literature. The Buchmarkt ConFact in the Foyer of the Hauses des Buches ends together with the Elstercon am Sonntagmittag.