
Heimkehr der “Gegenwind” nach zehn Jahren Weltumseglung

Heimkehr der “Gegenwind” nach zehn Jahren Weltumseglung

2014 loses Asha Reich and Helge Aßmann in the Heimat – Kurs Weltumseglung. Heute, zehn Jahre später, since sie in de Kieler Förde zurückgekehrt. If you were happy with the “Gegenwind”, a Hanseat 70, you would be able to enjoy the view, enjoy the unique art and enjoy the view of the surroundings, it was well worth it. The HUNTING war in Einlaufen with dabei.

At 1:40 PM it’s still here: Neither Asha Reich nor Helge Aßmann want to forget about their “Gegenwind” festival, but the applause is on. Family relationships, friends and relations are intended to help the Marine-Jugend Kieler Förde and the Kiellinie, and both well-being feelings are flawless at the company. Take care of a small boat that is suitable for those who enjoy the “gegenwind” with the help of their destination. Nunists are accomplished and if they are satisfied with their experience, they have spent their years living together.

It is not possible to glaze. “It’s a seltsame Gefühl. It is vertraut, after they fremd a irrendwie years ago, wieder here zu sein“, said Helge Aßmann, nor before there is a Landgeht. Once it gets that big, it’s all different. “Die letzte Woche bordering on wie im Flug. We thought we could arrive in Ruhe. Keine Chance,” says Asha Reich. If you disagree, Helge Aßmann is very schafft.

Schon Mitte September came to Cuxhaven and, my first German port. Letzte Woche brachen sie dann Richtung Ostsee auf. It goes via the Nord-Ostsee Canal after Rendsburg, before reaching Samstag, before reaching the Etappenziel and the Kiellinie.

Unerwartete Hürden

Since I have been abroad in Germany in the year 2014, I have lived in three Ozeane, the Karibik and the Südchinesische Meer überquert. On the road that I go through and readjusted: They are happy with their journeys, spend 51 days uninterrupted on See, love a Riff on, stürzten with the “Gegenwind” from the Kran and überstanden zwei Zyklone and a Hurrikan.

“On your journey you will always want to arrive, adapt and try new things”

Während der Corona-Pandemie saßen sie 18 Monate in Osttimor fest. It takes a long time before Anker lies that there is no question of redemption, but still has strong power, a beinahe-Havarie and der Bürokratie. All these products have been brought together a few times. Not until we occupied our official representation at the end of June: Auf Porto Santo, an inner glove in the Atlantic Ocean, which you will see after Ja-Wort’s maiden voyage.

Freude auf das vausliegende Abenteuer

„Rund um die Uhr, Jahr für Jahr zijnammen zu sein – many legends, that could not be with my partner. We will always be happy for a long time,” said Helge Aßmann. Nun, when you will see a land, your life will be in the Zukunft. Not with Sorge – you may be aware, when you start, if you do.

More about Theme Weltumseglung:

After your stay and your holiday, you will come to your home: “On your journey you will always be welcome, ready to pass and try new things,” said Aßmann. It is so woolen that it has a larger hand. “Wir fahren los and organisieren de Rest Schritt für Schritt”, so Asha Reich. A party plan is for nothing. Do it BloggingIf you have written a trip, the wool is no longer as good as last time.

“Mal schauen, we are behind us”

It’s one of the many things you can do if you have a home, a job and a winter spot for your “Gegenwind”. Buy wollen sie je treue Begleiterin auf keinen Fall; It may be that the Schiff problem will be resolved. Schon jetzt schwirren ihnen zahlreiche new Törn-Ideen im Kopf herum. “Mal schauen, we won’t see ourselves anymore. Vielleicht bis nach Norway hoch or round England or ins Baltikum. Grönland wäre auch mal schön.”

During your journey and the number of people absent, Helge Aßmann and Asha Reich are busy with their ‘Gegenwind’ to take a break with the YACHT. The interview is in the Ausgabe 23/2024 anyway bare online to class.