
Neuer Kurs mit Fokus auf Maschinenbau und Prüfanlagen – 5 Minuten

Neuer Kurs mit Fokus auf Maschinenbau und Prüfanlagen – 5 Minuten

Released on September 28, 2024, 8:48 PM
/ ©Lueflight

Image at 5min. when viewing the Autforce-Geschäftsführer Oliver Hohnhold and Christian Hanbauer with Oliver Kröpfl, Vorstandsmitglied der Steiermärkischen SparkasseImage at 5min. when viewing the Autforce-Geschäftsführer Oliver Hohnhold and Christian Hanbauer with Oliver Kröpfl, Vorstandsmitglied der Steiermärkischen Sparkasse

More than 60 projects of “Autoforce”-Umsatzes come from the automotive industry.

More than 60 projects of “Autoforce”-Umsatzes come from the automotive industry.

The professional specialist has been offering software to a machine builder for a number of years and now no longer has full-fledged Prüfanlagen.

von Leonie Höllwarth

3 Minutes Readezeit(679 Worter)

As an expert in the field of trade, the authority has specialized in the international automotive industry that has a name. Now the South Südsteirer has received a remarkable Transformation hinge. Neben Prüfstandsoftware became an enlarged standard in Lebring now a full-fledged anlagen operation. This may be the Styrian Sparkasse power. “Another four-year-old battle on the Automotive Market is coming soon, it brings so little more from the Ruhe,” says Geschäftsführer Oliver Hohnhold.

Vom “classischen Softwarelieferant” from Maschinenbauer

The manufacturer of the 55-strong automotive industry takes place on the 36th month: At that time, the Automotive Pioneer has a spectacular hinge: ‘Wir is a classic software enthusiast who works on the international market n a package aus digitaler Platform and Anlage offer“, erzählt Hohnhold. The answer is: These production processes are now fully developed, with excellent production quality and quality assurance.

60 Prozent des Umsatzes come from the automotive industry

“Our know-how lies at the basis of more complex business communication and bus systems. This communication system is one of the most efficient versions of the internal switches of the devices, which is designed for the optimization of Leistung, Effizienz and Sicherheit unerlässlich“, erklärt der Geschäftsführer. This man is now a machine builder with a number of software know-how that can be developed on an “all-purpose brand on the international market”, verse of the automotive geschäftsführer. “A machine is being built that strengthens software.” 60 revenues (of 7.3 million euros) were adopted in the automotive industry. The rest of the healthcare industry is based in the Air Force, which includes healthcare, health care, and the construction industry.

Cash flow decreased due to constant Wachstum

Grund für de unconventionellen Schritt in de Anlagenbau sei die high Nachfrage gewesen, erklärt Hohnhold. „The Transformation of Software Service Leader zum Machinebauer war mit Hürden vershen“, thus der Autoforce-Zuständige. “I have a new new Geschäftsfeld vorgewag, the Kapitalbedarf war has become a real Vielfaches-höher.” The following: Trotz konstantem 25-prozentigen Unternehmenswachstum, sank des time de Cashflow. Paradox, the e-mobility trend is unmanaged by the vulnerability to high-tech analysis of the inverter prüfung of the Lebringer explosion, increasing the enormous production output. The big Hausbank no longer has any trouble. In the Styrian Sparkasse and Autforce you have a partner, an extension course that finances your votes.

A “reinspiring play for visionary thinking”

The bank of the bank of the Österreichischen Kontrollbank (OeKB) is one of the bank’s most important financial institutions. „The Entscheidung von Autforce, new Unternehmenskompetenzen aufzubauen, is an end-pressure Beispiel for unternehmerischen Mut and visionaire Denken. It is said that it is true that the Tellerrand has a high probability of risking, an innovation that we can offer“, so Oliver KröpflVorstandsmitglied der Steiermärkischen Sparkasse. The Bereitstellung Finanzieller Mittel und die Zugang van Finanzierungsinstrumenten über de Österreichische Kotrollbank sollen das Potenzial für een nachhaltige Unternehmensentwicklung gefördert haben.

The new financial opportunities are not worth exporting

Konkret ins Spiel could bring the Styrian new Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten of the OeKB, the individual Export-stützen. “That could be the export ratio of knowledge as a basis for the Australian craze of the alienated human beings. Dadurch can make an exporter of export financing profitable. Only during these years were there in the low, the forms of financing of the OeKB zur Verfügung zu stel“, erklärt Kröpfl. The knowledge of export financing in the field of export financing is based on the knowledge of the export-oriented industry that believes in the east of the country, concrete of the future.

More Productions and Bürofläche

On the basis of the financing strategy, the final phase of the Ausbau am Standort could be completed: In a new generation, 1,000 Quadratmeter sister business offices as well as 400 Quadratmeter production fields would have been purchased. “You will have an optional experience with more than 400 quadratmeters, so that you can expect additional work to be done,” plans the Geschäftsführer Hohnhold – and signal with Anfang Jänner new advice from the Geschäftsführerkollege Christian Hanbauer.