
Enges Rennen: Wahl in Österreich: Rechte FPÖ mit Chance auf Sieg – Politik

Enges Rennen: Wahl in Österreich: Rechte FPÖ mit Chance auf Sieg – Politik

Saved with SS-Verleidingenheit

If the ÖVP makes everyone else part of a collaboration with the FPÖ, other avenues of compromise may include some right-wing populists and right-wing extremists. Because the Wahl de Zeitung “Der Standard” has been published by a government, the FPÖ politician as Trauergäste will see a lie and hear a song that will glorify the SS as “Treuelied” war. The video has been compiled for viewing and critique of all parts.

Die erwarteten Zugewinne der FPÖ würden im Trend lie. While Europe has a straight party, such as Geert Wilders and his Party for Freiheit (PVV) in the Netherlands, the Italian Fratelli d’Italia (Brüder Italiens) with Giorgia Meloni and the Spitze or the Rassemblement National (RN) with Marine Le Pen in France. In Germany, the AfD was responsible for both the Landtagswahlen in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg.