
Komax Action: Strukturoptimierungen für zukünftiges Wachstum

Komax Action: Strukturoptimierungen für zukünftiges Wachstum

The Komax Holding AG, a supplier of automation solutions for cable transmission, which takes into account cost savings and structure optimizations, one of the Grundstein for financing, makes Wachstum its legend profitable. This strategic Ausrichtung works within the framework of the development of a company and the search for solutions for the Schweizer Technology Konzers, which strengthens the market position and increases the efficiency of the scaffolding.

Finanzielle Kennzahlen in Fokus

The active financial data is a different picture: with a Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) of 47.95 and a dividend yield of 0.95% indicate that the Action has a forward influence on the market. The agreement of EUR 127.50 reflects the general reorganization orders more broadly, which in itself corresponds to the external considerations. We will start preparing the quarters in January 2025, the further expansion of the automatic configuration of the optimal conditions can take place.


Komax promotion: Buy or sell?! New Komax Analysis dated September 29, 2019:

The noses of Komax-Zahlen speak a clear speech: Urgent Handlongsbedarfür Komax-Aktionäre. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? The time had come in the free analysis of September 29.

Komax: Buy or sell? Read more here…