
Had the mysterious man in the game started working with the entire world?

The best Melbourne Citadel in Flight Simulator. (Photo: Alexander Muscat)
The best Melbourne Citadel in Flight Simulator. (Photo: Alexander Muscat)

The best Melbourne Citadel in Flight Simulator. (Photo: Alexander Muscat)


We write about the year 2020, the Flight Simulator from Microsoft. Was a bad Spiele-Release game a game that would take care of the game: it is the combination of Half-Life 2 in the game?

So if you watch the association, watch the bizarre events in the flight simulator, if you see the screenshot. Experienced is in the Names The Citadel of Melbourne.

But dammit for the longest time not happy:

  • Selbst im beschaulichen Alten-Buseck in Deutschland finds such an error, riesiger Turm auf.
  • The rendering of the Washington Monument and the Europaturm in Frankfurt was completed by the schnöde Bürogebäude.
  • Besonders schlimm erwischt es das Atadösken in Wuppertal Uellendahl-Katernberg: The Wasserturm ist wie vom Erdboden schluckt.

Travel in the Verdingenheit

Posts have appeared about everything and much more (see the relevant link). Kurz for the release of the Nachfolgers Flight Simulator 2024 is now in the time when the Schreckens in the game are one of the following things.

Schnallt also one, hit the seat and comes with a kurze (and no seriousness of the matter) Reise, who euch verrät, who is a tower trauma in Flight Simulator Steht.

Everything you want to know about Flight Simulator is about the next video:

The Flight Simulator 2024 is a big leap - not new to technology
The Flight Simulator 2024 is a big leap - not new to technology

Start video


The Flight Simulator 2024 is a big leap – not new to technology

Der Ort, where it all began: Melbourne

We start with a smaller rundflug-drt, where the first attempts at Combine in Flight Simulator begin, when you start in the north of the city of Melbourne.

Dairy products are one of the main reasons why the Melbourne Citadel is a trivial experience: it could be a data processing error at the Anzahl of Stockwerken. More than the following hints in our article are the bizarre things that happened.

A Fehler, who makes an effort to change, who tells the following story:

Melbourne in MSFS to release
Melbourne in MSFS to release
Melbourne in MSFS heute
Melbourne in MSFS heute
Melbourne in MSFS to release
Melbourne in MSFS heute

Auch Alten-Buseck is wieder sicher

Die Zitadelle in Alten-Buseck in Deutschland war deutlich smaller as dying in Melbourne. Der Grund: Here you will find that 100 Stock Works were collected over 200 Stock Works.

A bizarre event that you can expect.

In the fall, Microsoft’s Fehler would be in action, which I can see here:

Alten-Buseck in MSFS zum Release
Alten-Buseck in MSFS zum Release
Alten-Buseck in MSFS heute
Alten-Buseck in MSFS heute
Alten-Buseck in MSFS zum Release
Alten-Buseck in MSFS heute

Büroturm stattt weltbekanntes Wahrzeichen

Tracing the history of the seat is no longer possible, but through the art of the world in the flight simulator.

If someone plays in the game, the Entwickler may automatically become Hilfsmittel-nutzen with the correct functioning of the hangers.

When the time is right, the world of the Washington Monument will be changed by an art agency, but a man can make a grinsen project.

If you do any of the following, this is the case World Updates for the USA inzwischen Abhilfe geschafft. Automatic installation is not possible, it is still not standard in the Büroturm. With World Update, the day of the Washington Monument will be reflected in the game:

Washington Monument in MSFS to release
Washington Monument in MSFS to release
Washington Monument on the MSFS heute
Washington Monument on the MSFS heute
Washington Monument in MSFS to release
Washington Monument on the MSFS heute

Frankfurt can make a trap with other aufatmen

The Europaturm in Frankfurt is no longer as tall as the Washington Monument. With a height of 337 meters, you are trading in one of the large Fernmeldeturm Deutschlands.

Dennoch war with a signaller Stelle in Flight Simulator will now be a high house, which is ready to experience the Washington Monument. With active updates, look at the Europa Tower and look at the Skyline of the City, who you will recognize.

After the end of the first matches in the Europa League, the Donnerstag was probably erased for the Frankfurter.

Europaturm in MSFS zum Release
Europaturm in MSFS zum Release
Europa tower in MSFS heute
Europa tower in MSFS heute
Europaturm in MSFS zum Release
Europa tower in MSFS heute

Überraschung with kleinem Haken in Wuppertal

The Fernmeldturm on the Westfalenweg in Wuppertal, with a height of 130 meters, is no longer German smaller than the Europaturm, but one of the few we have ever seen as the Washington Monument.

While the Flight Simulator active data is working, it is a way to perform a funkturm function – if a different shape is used (for all the spire) and an uncleaned texture.

Life in Wuppertal is organized for a large group, the man ends up there Atadosken enjoyed the water tower on the right in the hinterland in the play area:

Funkturm Wuppertal in MSFS zum Release
Funkturm Wuppertal in MSFS zum Release
Funkturm Wuppertal on MSFS heute
Funkturm Wuppertal on MSFS heute
Funkturm Wuppertal in MSFS zum Release
Funkturm Wuppertal on MSFS heute

A very bad night during the holidays

If you now want to purchase a new version of the software, this is an abschluss, but still a small step: In the new Harz of the national parks, the update launch from Microsoft is no longer possible.

You can’t talk to anyone like Berg in the Mittelgebirge Harz: the Brocken.

The status of the flight simulator shipping data has gone to the World Update for Germany and has a much larger number of possibilities to see the burogebeaude:

Steering tower Brocken in reality
Steering tower Brocken in reality
Sendeturm Brocken on MSFS heute
Sendeturm Brocken on MSFS heute
Steering tower Brocken in reality
Sendeturm Brocken on MSFS heute

Ebenfall’s interesting: Flight Simulator 2024 vs. 2020 – The graphic art work has ended up in the immediate vicinity

Please take a moment to look at the following questions:

  1. Who has ever done a Bürogebäude action with Flight Simulator 2024 to see if the Brockens transmitter (irgendwann) is in the new game?
  2. Are there any more developments in Flight Simulator, how can you do this and how can you do the next thing?

The latter is a fact in the comments you are looking for!