
There is a poor assessment of the temperature, which means that the hotel pool will not be visited in the future

There is a poor assessment of the temperature, which means that the hotel pool will not be visited in the future

Der Fall sorts for international sailing sailing: At the end of August there is a star sechsjähriger Junge im Pool eines Hotels an der Playa de Palma. If you have committed a violation for a moment, the child will be unnoticed in childhood, but you may not be able to stop washing. Both die RetungsschwimmerinnenThe fact that the Zeit am Pool were eingesetzt and was informed, were both cases in die Augenblick nicht op de Platz, with the Ermittlungen der Nationalpolizei ergaben.

Für both die socorristas could have the tod of the French young gravitating consequences. Ihnen dreams of a Verfahrenweg grob fahrlässiger Tötung – moreover, if you are a man who has two Rettungsschwimmerkollegen glaubt, mit denen die MZ sprach, die auss Gest vor Repressalien aber anonym bleiben wollen: “Who have both Colleges and not at Spaß ihren Platz verlassen, without having to visit other Aufgaben zugewiesen”, says If they are both, then Stelle’s will be Martín’s.

Antonio (name ebenfalls geändert), sein Kollege, der mit seinen 51 Jahren bereits seit two Jahrzehnten an Hotel swimming pools signals Service tut, messageet der MZ: “Die een Kollegin war im Moment des Unglücks in der WäschereiWe’ll see you there soon. The other must Shutters aufeinanderschichten, als der Unfall passionerte.”

“Das hat system”

When this fall is hit by the Hotel an der Playa de Palma, the leader is not alone, but Martín is noticed. “The system, if the hotels of the rettungsschwimmern require, if you are in the working time, the eigentliche ausschließlich is thought, the Pole will guard, auch you the menge other Aufgaben zu erleden It is possible to do something else: ‘If you have a housemate and say, I am soll with ihm Liegen and Schirme ordnen, then you come and others and will, that is the Müll entsorge, then the Mitarbeiter der Animation, denen ich hellen soll, the utensil for Aqua Gym in the cave,” reports Antonio with his Alltag.

It’s a matter of dying Delay abgesichert, wendet Pedro Marín, president of the Hoteliers Association of Playa de Palmagegenüber der MZ ein. “In the Verträgen Steht, if the Rettungsschwimmer other Aufgaben erempt, if the swimming pool does not come from the Augen-lassen.” It is all true that the Hotels regularly einset the Rettungsschwimmer as Aushilfskräfte for other Arbeiten.

Keine Aushilfe

Another problem is when the Rettungsschwimmer dies zu Mittag essen. “In the hotels, in the case of a rettungsschwimmer in the Einsatz, the swimming pool is unattractive at that time. Those Hotels look at it ersatz,” Martín criticizes.

Or you can set up an unobstructed view of the hotels on the accommodation post. “That is irresponsible. If the check valve no longer exists, it will not be possible to get a person out of the wash, but also First Hilfe you learned and were technically the ultimate ones Rettungskräften zu erklären, wie der Zustand des Patients ist.“ It cannot be a problem to leave the hotels, the nieces of the Arbeit der Rettungsschwimmer verstehe. It is so easy if you want to book more hotels, while making a mobile reservation at Hotel zu Hotel fahre en einspringe, if the responsible interest is interrupted by a break.

“Socorristas” zweiter Class

An accurate representation of the positions is a matter of course Ausbildung der Rettungsschwimmer merkbar, critique Martín and Alejandro. Those who live on the beach are happy to visit Mallorca for their holidays. Title Mindestens 130 Stunden Ausbildung forweisen. That’s the superior feeling of happiness Argentinian Stammt, where the Vorgaben are stronger and a year later is the minimum minimum, the socorristas on the beach are such that the German installer, as eigentliche desires wird. In a different way, the hotel pools ihren Service has been built up. “You have to be empty and have a great night’s sleep, having spent 20 days,” said Martín.

If you do that, the Kollegen, who started in the Hotels and all subdivisions have found a quick solution for young years and a lot has happened. “That is neither practical nor more childish, quickly it is a matter of 18 years and a tough experience Accountability.“ If you want to go the other way, if you want to, it is worth establishing the leadership of the hotels in others. “If you are afraid, you will fly.” Antonio reported that it has become a mistake, while the hoteliers have offered the responsible company a share of the refunds if they earn more money, there are no other offers.

Gewerkschaft planted

It seems that the rettungsschwimmer, who eingesetzt in the hotels, are ready to organize their work. “Der Fall met de sechsjährigen Jungen haten de Augen geöffnet. If you notice that you are caught in a trap, the protection is quite long.” If you have an interest in the questions you ask, you can go a step further Allow the device to empty during the Anwälte Bowls.