
Box-Weltmeisterin loses WM-Fight after a fierce Farb-Attacke

Box-Weltmeisterin loses WM-Fight after a fierce Farb-Attacke

Nacktfoto as Beweis posted

Box-Weltmeisterin loses WM-Fight after a fierce Farb-Attacke


In the camp photo, Sandy Ryan took a snack photo as the next farb attack ensued.


There is a horror war for Sandy Ryan (31).

On the way to the WM camp at New Yorker Madison Square Garden, the British professional boxer would first try and work with his other Farbe. Dann still sees the American-American Mikaela Mayer in his WM-Gürtel in a superfederweight (up to 59 kg).

“I am not happy, but I am not happy”

The Farb-Attacke lost Ryan in the hotel. The British post that posted in the social media photos and videos is about the rote of the people and about the rights of their leggins that they see. The farbe is so intense, it goes through the fabric of the hose, it often rots.

If you see a sewing photo, Ryan is visible with Tag on Instagram. This time punk no longer belongs to the World Boxing Organization (WBO).

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Ryan enttäuscht wrote: “I never had to work hard, but I was completely absent. If not, it won’t be my Hotelzimmers at Verlassen. When I don’t really want to weld anymore. If I learn with learning hands and the pride of the Gefühl, then the Kampf has won. “

Schockierte Ryan loses WM-Kampf

Ryan lost the fight against Mayer after Punkten: A battle was fought between them (95:95), both of whom defeated Mayer (97:93, 96:94). The Farb attack brought his conviction and power, Ryan said. “It is beautiful, we can survive in America. After the situation occurred, the mirror in front of the Kampf widened, but it never fell again.”

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Schon vor dem Kampf in New York is about tensions. Mayer has eliminated Ryan, who is eager to play on his Trainer Team in the wilderness. After battling dementia, Mayer found himself with the farb attack. If you find the Vorfall a “shocker” experience.


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“I have never heard of Sandy being respected as a Boxer,” said the new WBO Weltmeisterin. And zum Kampf: “I knew, I was faster. I think it’s a schärfer bin. I picked up the Mitte des Kampfs, who still is.“ Ryan and his Team Wollen Kampf and Farb-Attacke are no longer able to weld. Sie fordern een Rückkampf.

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Rayan commented on Instagram: “We made a video recording and contacted the NYPD (New York City Police Department, Anm. d. Ed.). It is an offensive look, had fallen and the Wahrheit was in Free and Light.” (WWI)