
So it was the first Schokoladenfest in Marburg

So it was the first Schokoladenfest in Marburg

Marburg. The world you are dealing with, a reason to consider, is that the journey of discovery is no longer caused by the Gaumenfreude. So who went to Stefan Palentz, fell to Leckermäulern and Naschkatzen at the first Schokoladenfest in Marburg. I warm up the herbal life during the Samstag, September 28, the meetings and the decisions of the Lutherse Kirchhof, one of the stands of the famous conditors and chocolatiers who try beers, their sales and their schlemmen.

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A crepe with Ruby-Schokolade has been made, a message from Stefan Palentz, that is a runtergeschluckt hat. When you are on the Schokolade, a Rubin is concerned with the fact that it is rosa, the Geschmack is a fruity beer. And the Bewertung, so Stefan Palentz, the Schokolade and the Crêpe will be delicious. If one of the last hours of the Schokoladenfest has not yet happened, you will have to try more first.

Eat chocolate and enjoy it

If the Angebot competes with the time the party starts, it will take a long time for the Verkaufsstanden to be long and wurden with the Zeit. It’s okay to try some chocolate. In the hands of the Konditorei Klingelhöfer beispielsweise dare to put together those Besucherinnen and Besucher ihre own Wunschkreationen. Chocolate with Streuseln or with Spezieller Glasur, one of the most likely risks is that this own Wunschkreation becomes confused.

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Auch dem Fachmann bei der Arbeit dares the Besucherinnen and Besucher über de Schulter schauen. Konditor Stefan Hörr, who has been in Beruf for 44 years, cuts small Baumkuchenstücke, of course with Schokolade überzogen, in global events, one of the researches and the educational knowledge of the world. Germany’s first Schokoladensommelière, Anette Klingelhöfer, continues with the geschmacklich journey through the World of Chocolate, Früchten and Gewürzen.

While sin is no longer in the market, the fact is that the country’s economy has reached its current state. If dignified Mahlzeiten dare not fehlen, the culinary Angebot at the Schokoloadfest had for jeden Geschmack that appropriate Nascherei ready.

Selbst Nahrung für den Geist, food for thought, who says in English, bot der Stand der Fairtrade-Stadt Marburg. Here you can find out about interesting chocolate geniuses and geniuses about fair chocolate production and sales, including the description of the stands, at a fair awards ceremony.

Dunkle Seite der Tafel

If the themes are more honest, Schokolade is no longer suitable for the Lutherkirche. In the Church itself, Pfarrer Ulrich Biskamp organized an exhibition of Schokolade’s production conditions. A large portion of the chocolate bottles, such as delicious food, from the West African countries. Nur ein Brurucht des Verkaufserlöses der fertigen Schokolade käme tatsächlich bei de Bauern an. And die Bauern, so erzählte der Pfarrer weiter, is often not even a complete one. If the meat is in a large bag, it is one of the sources of information. “30 kg is a small bag of kakaobohnen schwer,” it said. “And the children’s lives were created.”

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Dennoch, so there is more, the lineage of the Schokolade has not gone further, it is a good idea to start a project that establishes a production clause. The organization “Fairafric” started writing the Schokolade in the federal states, when the Bohnen were founded, it was a fact that they were in the Kirche Schokolade of Fairafric verkaufte.

“So a larger part of the money in humans, the Schokolade is ernten and mending.” And wer sich für Fairafric, aber auch die “bitter-süßen Seiten von Schokolade”, who is there, interests, der könne noch bis zum 7 .October die Ausstellung in der Lutherkirche besuchen.