
KI-Suchmaschine: The most important facts about Perplexity AI

KI-Suchmaschine: The most important facts about Perplexity AI

Astonishment will Google Konkurrenz machen. Since 2022, the AI ​​machine has been put into use at a cost of three billion dollars. Zehn Fragen en Antworten zu die Start-up.

Was it Perplexity AI genau?

Perplexity AI is an AI-basierte machine worth praising and validating Antworten op Anfragen von Nutzern zu liefern. If you want to post an appropriate message on the internet and answer the Antwort – as with ChatGPT – the form has been completed. The answers can be displayed with questions or links so that the user’s information can be obtained. The user can set your theme area Fragen. Bewilderment is caused by small problems, the beispielsweise Ratschläge in the law, financial or medical area since.

Wer steckt dahinter?

Life in the summer of 2022 by Aravind Srinivas, Denis Yarats, Johnny Ho and Andy Konwinski is grounded. The co-founder and current CEO Srinivas got started with OpenAI and had the opportunity to use Erase over ChatGPT. Others also paint a higher KI-Kompetenz. Yarats was KI-Experte at Facebook-Konzern Meta and Konwinski was Mitgründer des Software-Unternehmens Databricks. Watch how the investors work with the tech technology in English. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Gründer, who is investing even more in Perplexity, and Daniel Gross, who has waged a war in AI projects at Apple. More which investor is the chip repairer NVIDIA. Heute hat Perplexity 55 Mitarbeiter, Hauptsitz ist San Francisco.

Welche Versionen gibt es?

Perplexity AI offers a free version, which is installed on the Sprachmodell GPT-3.5. Who ChatGPT perplexity has a cost-saving version. Here you can take photos of fragments of high images, documents and PDFs. The Pro version costs $20 per month and costs the owner the LLM of Perplexity, with the Sprach models of OpenAI (GPT), Meta (Llama), Anthropic (Claude) and Mistral. Auch Free-User can use the Pro-Search function. All things are limited to 10 such on the tag. Then you have an Enterprise version. The price must be paid by direct trading.

Who caused the confusion by others?

The main reason for this is that the complexity of the system is created when such a machine is developed that is integrated into the Google AI system. This is the answer to Perplexity in Antwerp, Google today is required on Links. Damit presents Perplexity a new kind of stories: Statt single Schlagworte can ask the user concrete questions. Zudem said Bewilderment Quellent directly in Antwort and what it is like to have (nor) no Werbung. A new feature has appeared, which is based on Fragen von Usern Antworten met Bildern und Videos. These files can be used by others.

Top manager Dimitry Shevelenko in interview

For example, Google Challenger Perplexity will introduce SEO as a Marketing Tool

The siege of the wet race is not offensive. Once you know the usefulness of such machines and SEO marketing brings a dramatic change. As one of the many achievements of Challenger, the KI-Start-Up Perplexity AI was gold-plated. HORIZONT hat with the top manager Dimitry Shevelenko spoken.

Wieviele User nutzen Bewilderment?

Nach eigenen Angaben hatte Perplexity AI in 1. Quarter 2024 around 15 Millions of active users. It is a large Steigerung that originated in Vorjahr: At the end of 2023 it was not even half done. Interesting to follow the user’s long sessions, which lie in 20 minutes. It is a fact that the perplexity of your answer is a weiterführende fragment that is a verweildauer at high altitude. In July 2024, Perplexity received 250 Million Fragens. Zum Vergleich: I will be worth 500 million in 2023.

Is Perplexity a competitor for Google?

The market share of Perplexity gegenüber others Such machines are not marginal: In an active, weltweiten Statistieke von Statistiek aus August 2024 taucht Perplexity AI nicht auf. That small market value will be paid for by other best offers. 3,000 Erwerbstätige were fragmented for the Fachmesse DMEXCO. Danach nur 3,7 Prozent bei der Such great Chatbots with ChatGPT or Perplexity AI as traditional such machines. Dennoch responded to Google about the new herausforderung. Below the beginning of the “AI overview” you can use Google to find more and more AI-zusammengefasste answers to answers. Overview of the best products.

Who fell is Astonishment true?

In one of the most recent funding rounds, Perplexity AI could win by three billion dollars. A gewaltige Steigerung, the beginning of the years of the year, nor on a Milliard taxiert. I am currently working on a new financing round of 250 million euros this summer. Laut Insider reports are about the years of 35 Million Dollars, never exceeded, but certainly more than a year. Damals were born by the end of 2024 with the gift of millions.

AI-Such a machine

Auf diese Weise beteiligt Perplexity AI Medienpartner

Perplexity AI will make the publishing program official in the market development of such machines, thus securing the digital content platform. So check out the Medienpartner program.

Were merchants with their purchases?

These are the cooperation partners with the Verlage, Plattformen und Tech-Unternehmen. The Spiegelgroep, Time Magazine, Fortune, Entrepreneur and the Texas Tribune have published Perplexity AI. You will find that you have a higher purpose in such things. Gleichzeitig will provide the user with a free version of the Enterprise version and improve some of its functionality. You will find Deutsche Telekom’s partner on the WordPress blogging platform. Nutzer from the app “Mein Magenta” has provided free downloads in the Pro version for a year.

Can a man work with Perplexity?

Erklärtes Ziel von Perplexity AI is het Geschäftsmodell von Subscriptions auf Werbeeinnahmen zu schieben. Diesen Markt dominates Google with around 300 billion. US Dollar Umsatz. Nor im 4. Quartal 2024 sollen deshalb Werbemöglichkeiten eingeführt. If you want to do another work, you should watch the appropriate following excerpts. Another format is sponsored videos, the answer will be displayed. Derzeit find nach Berichten der Financial Times bereits Gespräche with great Markenartiklern statt.

Was since that time Plane?

Zum eenen Perplexity will die among the user. This is a great opportunity for you to participate in Fußball-EM in Germany and a Werbekampagne. Der Claim lautete: „Besser wisser statt Besserwisser.“ Daneben soll das Werbeschäfts ausgebaut and the Paid-Subscriptions with Unternehmen were forced. Ebenfall’s plant is a product with a larger medium house. Hold de wollen sich die Macher op een Präzisierung der Antworten in der zuch konzentrieren. This is the priority of the seat, which makes it impossible to solve a problem.