
Music: Country-Poet and Musik-Legende: Kristofferson gestorben

Music: Country-Poet and Musik-Legende: Kristofferson gestorben

When building or grinding the Grundstücks in Hawaii, it was both a Liebling sorte from Kris Kristofferson. “Das ist meine Therapie,” said the music player of US-Radiosender NPR. “My racing tractor couldn’t be more different.”

Am Samstag is Kristofferson, dessen Songs von Musik-Legenden met Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Joan Baez, Willie Nelson, Janis Joplin und Ray Charles gewurden, nach Angaben Seiner Familie in Alter von 88 jaar in de huis op Maui (Hawaii) . Zur Todesursache goes to a different place.

Student in Oxford, Hubschrauber pilot in Rhineland-Palatinate

Born during the single voyage in 1936 in Brownsville in south Texas. With a stipend for gifted study, it is in Oxford, England, and will become the most written writer. If there is a major role, Hubschrauberpilot was stationary in Bad Kreuznach (Rhineland-Palatinate) during the American military war from 1962 to 1965.

Danach was a New York literature major from West Point Military Academy, but he followed suit and went to country music in Nashville. “The whole Sache never amazes me,” says Kristofferson of “Rolling Stone.” “I was on my way to a completely different life. A plötzlich has my whole Zukunft, my family and everything else dem untergeordnet. That was such a frightening experience.”

Enttäuschte Mutter sprach jahrelang nicht with Kristofferson

Seine Mutter was entsetzt en sprach jahrelang kein Wort more mit ihrem Sohn. “If you think it’s a shame for the family tank. If I have been given a moment, zum Beispiel with my Stipendium, aber sie sagte: “That is not the result of the great enttäuschung aufwiegen, which you are always wary of.” Warum said man, so etwas zu seinem Kind?” Auch Kristoffersons first came to Nashville.

The work started in the Boden Studio, with Bob Dylan in charge. Um Johnny Cash from his talent in the überzeugen, Kristofferson landed with a Hubschrauber in the dessen Garten. “I didn’t know a long time, but I bought your songs. If I think it is for my mache and for all relationships, it may be that I see it. Aber irgendwann konnte ich dann maar davon leben.’ Kale stand Kristofferson took Dylan to task and wrote a hit after them, with “Sunday Morning Coming Down” and “Help Me Make It Through the Night”. “I can stand with all my heroes on the stage. Es was unglaublich.“ This is what happened to Filmstar.

Gross family with Dritter Frau

Three years after divorcing wife Rita Coolidge, Kristofferson’s heir in 1983, Lisa Meyers died, with her sister in Hawaii. Gemeinsam hatten sie fünf Kinder en Pflegekinder. “There is no way to manage it,” said Frau einmal über ihn. “If you are happy with me, you are happy with it, and you answer: “I am happy with you, I am happy with you.”

Seine Konzerte hatte Kristofferson will always start with the song “Shipwrecked in the 80’s”. From Aberglauben. Bring the song sollte ihm Glück. The fact that as a singer with his songs is toured in the first place and he is completely satisfied, that he himself lived with me. “Jeder Künstler, der myine Songs gesungen hat, hat das besser gemacht als ich”, said Kristofferson finally. “I sing with a Frosch.” The “New York Times” says: “Mr. Kristofferson is one of the few Accords who is not successful.’ I am proud of the fans, for the singing poet with his or her sense of humor and melancholy with the life lived by the Vietnam generation.

For the messages Abschied hatte Kristofferson vorgesorgt and sich a Songzeile von Leonard Cohen for the signals Grabstein ausgesucht: “Like a bird on a wire, like a drunkard in a midnight choir, I have tried to be free in my own way.”

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