
Biography: Where is Melania Trump?

Biography: Where is Melania Trump?

All sequels to “Vier Jahre Trump”

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This audio film is part of the project “Vier Jahre Trump”. Darin has started with Donald Trump’s presidential election after 48 months in 48 episodes. All following information can be found here.

The transcript of the episode


Were you involved in your husband’s decision to become president? – We discuss a lot, yes. And I encourage him. – You did? You encouraged him? – I encourage him because I know what he will do and what he can do for America. He loves the American people and wants to help them.

Melania Trump

MODERATION: Melania Knauss and Donald Trump relive 2005. This is my first and my first success. In January 2017, Präsident wird, wird Melania Trump First lady. It’s the little woman in that role who wasn’t born in the US. Später with Melania Trump says, First Lady believes that most of her life has been gone. And yet in the four years Vergleichsweise it would fade into the background. The first month would remain in the White House in New York. Reason meidet sie. Where is Melania Trump? Who believes in the government living with Donald Trump? Is there a single hat on the president?


MODERATION: Melanija Knavs (Ursprüngliche Schreibweise ihres Behalfen) born in 1970 in Novo Mesto – in der Jugoslawischen Teilrepublik Slowenien.

I was born in Slovenia, a small beautiful and then communist country in Central Europe. My sister Ines, an amazing woman and friend, and I were raised by my amazing parents.

Melania Trump

MODERATION: Melanijas Vater is an Autohandler. If you work hard for your own work, your child’s fashion will be restored. As Kindermodels, Melanija and Schwester Ines are bald for the room. The first photos of a fashion design by Melanija Knauss date from 1977. After the Schule, Melanija Knauss, an architect at the University of Ljubljana, started studying. If you no longer see the Studium, the model is a large Anziehungskraft from your country. In 1991, the Eiserne Vorhang in Slovakia was able to put an end to its Leiden ban across the land borders.


MODERATION: Mailand, Paris, Madrid – start as a Laufsteg-Model zu work. Weggefährten described Melania Knauss as shy. It is not that Karriere is on the Road. Mitte of the 1990s traveled to New York.


MODERATION: New York City likes to walk. The rigorous Zero-Toleranz-Strategy of Bürgermeister Rudolph “Rudy” Giuliani gegenüber self-small Criminal Offenses said Wirkung: the City is more secure, sauberer, live as zuvor. The Aktienmarkt is flourishing. Das Nachtleben is valfältig. New York City has become a world metropolis and sees everything creatively. 1998 Melania Knauss learned from Geschäftsmann Donald Trump know. At a party.

What was your first impression of Donald Trump? – He was very charming and we had a great sparkle. He came with a date. He asked me for the number. And I said, I’m not giving you my number. If you give me your numbers I will call you. And he was known as something of a ladies’ man. And a week later we met. – And then it was good? – Yes, we had great chemistry the first time.

Melania Trump

MODERATION: If there is more time, bis both heiraten. In 2006, Melania and Donald Trump’s gemeinsamer Sohn Barron were born.


MODERATION: I have called Melania Trump the American Staatsbürgerschaft. Here Eltern continues. Since 1965, there is the end of life: dying chain migration, the next Chain Migration.

I am an immigrant. And let me tell you: No one appreciates America’s freedom and opportunity more than I do.

Melania Trump

MODERATION: Zehn Jahre später kon Donald Trump and the president were zu wollen. In the blessing campaign it is increasingly difficult to become illegal immigrants. A limit will rise and fall. Ouch die chain migration criticism there. The broader analysis of Melania Trump’s einwanderungsgeschichte with its controversy. Trump said he ab.

They said that Melania Trump may have entered our country illegally. And what would that be like if Donald Trump were to talk… The only problem is that she came in completely legally.

Donald Trump


MODERATION: The model and the 24 year old Geschäftsmann. At Trump’s Amtseinführung with Melania Trump’s Mimik zum Meme: a kurzes Lächeln, then a düsterer Gesichtsausdruck. “Free Melania” it is in the netz. Später kursieren Videos, in the form of Donald Trump’s Hand does not want to stop. If it is no longer in the white house, while the Trumps have become abusive, Melania Trump Justin Trudeau has put an end to the end – for the man who is the whole Belège dafür, Melania Trump is one of the following men. And in his role as First Lady.

I could say: I am the most bullied person in the world. – Do you think you are the most bullied person in the world? – One of them. If you really see what people say about me.

Melania Trump

MODERATION: Fest steht: Die Trumps sind sech nicht in allem eenig. Beispiel social media:

I stopped using Social Media for a year and a half. – For yourself? – For myself. I post a few things. But I’m not an attention seeker. My life is not a photo app. I have decided to stop being on Social Media because I see the negativity. It’s not healthy, it’s not healthy.

Melania Trump

MODERATION: Am Ende, sgt Melania, seien sie und Donald Trump both Erwachsene, die wie eigenen Entscheidungen.

I give him a lot of advice. Sometimes he listens, sometimes not. He will ultimately do what he wants to do. Like I’ll do what I want to do.

Melania Trump