
Auszeichnungen: Favorite for the current Nobel Prize

Auszeichnungen: Favorite for the current Nobel Prize

In order to improve the overall knowledge of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) since the publication and publication dates of the scientific work of the scientific research in the research work, the Nobel Prize has been awarded. Den Auftakt Kracht wie jedes Jahr die Medizin (7.10.), folgt von Physik (8.10.), Chemie (9.10.) und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (14.10.).

Founded in 61 million since 1970 in the “Web of Science” heritage, articles were published in 9,700 copies. 0.015 Prozent 2,000 Mal or öfter zitiert. With cars, the “Citation Laureates” (free from “Zitations-Kaiser”), see a few Forscher and Forscherinnen, “ren Beiträge mit denen von Nobel Prize Winners vergleichbar sind”, it has become clearer.

Keine Österreicher

As of September 450, 2002, the “Citation Laureates” have been awarded the Nobel Prize 75 times. Eleven of the 22 favorite films are in the US, in Great Britain, in Switzerland and in Germany, Israel and Japan. Österreicher bzw. Forscher can no longer be found in Österreich. In the years that they met, both the Sterreichische Physiker Anton Zeilinger and Ferenc Krausz died in that list. Sie erhielten 2022 (Zeilinger) bzw. 2023 (Krausz) awarded the Physik Nobel Prize.

Medizin and Physik

Sieben Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler nennt Clarify the favorites for the Medizin Nobel Prize: Jonathan C. Cohen and Helen H. Hobbs (besides the University of Texas/USA) for the Erforschung der Genetica von de Fettstoffwechsels, de nouvelle Medikamenten zur Behandlung von Herz-Kreislauf – Erkrankungen geführt hat; Ann M. Graybiel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology/USA), Okihide Hikosaka (National Institutes of Health/USA) and Wolfram Schultz (Cambridge University/Großbritannien) for physiological studies of basal gaits, those for motor control and learning outcomes von zentraler Bedeutung sind; and Davor Solter (Max-Planck-Institute for Immunbiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg/Deutschland) and Azim Surani (Cambridge University/Großbritannien) for the research on genomic research, the knowledge of epigenetics and the research on broken work.

In der Physik Stehen Sechs Persons on the favorites list: Rafi Bistritzer (Tel Aviv University/Israel), Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (Massachusetts Institute of Technology/USA) and Allan H. MacDonald (University of Texas/USA) for rapid theoretical and experimental approaches zur Physik der mit magicalm Winkel verdrehten Graphen-Schichten en verwandter Moiré-Quantenbauelemente; David Deutsch (Universität Oxford) and Peter W. Shor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology/USA) for revolutionary work on quantitative algorithms and computers; and wonderful Christoph Gerber (Universität Basel) for the research and assistance of the Rasterkraftmicroskops.

Chemistry and Economics

See the Forscher list of data konzern for the Nobel Prize Category Chemistry at: David Baker (University of Washington/USA), John M. Jumper and Demis Hassabis (in addition to Google DeepMind/Großbritannien) for Beiträge zur Vorhersage and zum Design of three-dimensional protein structures and -functions ; Kazunari Domen (Tokyo University/Shinshu-University/Japan) für Grundlagenforschungen zu Photokatalysatoren voor de Aufspaltung von Wasser aswie de Bau von Systemen für Solar-Energie Wasserstofferzeugung; and schließlich Roberto Car (Princeton University/USA) and Michele Parrinello (University of Italian Switzerland/ETH Zurich/Schweiz) for one of the best methods for generating molecular dynamics, a revolution in computerized chemistry.

For the analysis in the Bereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften there is a clarification of the following three favorites: Janet Currie (Princeton University/USA) for quick economic analyzes of the Entwicklung of Children; Partha Dasgupta (Cambridge University/Großbritannien) for the integration of nature and natural resources into the human economy; and schließlich Paolo Mauro (International Finance Corporation/USA) for empirical studies on corporate financing in investments and economics.