
Medizin Nobel Prize for microRNA-Entdecker

Medizin Nobel Prize for microRNA-Entdecker

Victor Ambros (70) worked at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Gary Ruvkun (72) at Harvard Medical School at Massachusetts General Hospital. When the price is set, war is neither one of America’s forces nor time in war. Ruvkun wurde dit wech vom Anruf der Nobelversammlung geweckt en klang am Telefon nor sehr müde. Ambros stopped answering the phone, while the Nobel Prize for the Karolinska Institutes, Thomas Perlmann, said.

If you are a Swiss radio broadcaster, you will always be happy, because in the night the Anruf of the Nobel Prize Committees will arrive: “That is a big deal. It is great. It is a good experience,” says the Forscher: “Unser Hund ist völlig verwirrt, weil we are in the house again, it is a drußen stock dunkel ist.” Ambros explains the good thoughts of an SR reporter: “Wow, that’s unglamorous! That’s really not the case”, war is the first reaction.

Ursprünglich were both Forscher more interesting, which different Zelltypes from the jewels gleichen Erbinformatie herausbilden, die in all Zellen in identical form enthalten ist. As more and more microRNA is produced in Fadenwürmern (Caenorhabditis or C. elegans), it is also spread in other active organisms. So anyway, it is humans who have developed the construction of the most powerful microRNAs. There is no role whatsoever in the souls of genetic information about the best eiweiße (protein) ein.

If the Schlüssel of the Entdeckung von Ambros and Ruvkun is on the unscheinable Fadenwurm, they both die from the 1980s. This winzige Tier paints trotz seiner Größe über verschiedene Zelltypes. Since the 1960s, Jahren thought that the DNA transmission factors have been regulated, that the best DNA regions have been linked, that the information in Messenger RNA (mRNA) has been updated, that the structure in the source in question has been improved, a best protein accumulation. Now that both now appear in the Medizin Nobel Prize in the year 1993 in the history of the Fachmagazin “Cell”, while another regulatory road frosts, the man in science goes over the course of events to the mRNA of the only road war.

Both US-Forschers are interested in their careers, while C. Elegans follows the schedule of the program for viewing different types of models with the nerve or muskelzellen regulations. There are several Wurmstämmen called “lin-4” and “lin-14” war that this Abfolge stört. When analyzing the function of this display, it is clear that “lin-4” and the generation “lin-14” are involved. Whoever dies can clear Ambros and Ruvkun in the Folge.

So erkannte Ambros, who makes “lin-4” one of the first mistakes in the repair of RNA molecules, is the genetic code that has been developed so that protein production can be restored. It is also used as “microRNA” for the war of the generations “lin-14”. Gary Ruvkun, of the “Scientific Advisory Board” of the Institutes for Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) of the Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) in Vienna, has passed away. Der Forscher, the first time we started in the Vienna War, can no longer use the microRNA to make the image of mRNA on the base of “lin-14”, and the production of white substances on the underlying base.

For IMBA science expert Julius Brennecke, the Ambros and Ruvkun are two top science students who have waged an “absolute Pioneer Leadership” war, which has been recovered from the region of the “newly developed Grundlagenforschung”. I know there is a new dimension “that no one has even imagined”. This is the first publication of the new Grundprinzip der Generegulation: It is not the case that it is located in the larger Widerhall in the Fachwelt.

Since the year 2000, the mechanism has appeared that the mechanism no longer has its own character of the biology of the small Fadenwürmer war. Anyone who goes to war with the Ruvkuns Forschungsgruppe will hear a different microRNA message. One of the statements of the Viennese biologist Kristin Tessmar-Raible at the Labor of the Neo-Medizin-Nobelpreisträgers said: “I have damals mitgenommen, that man mutig Wissenschaft machen kann and cool Sachen dabei rauskommen können.” Daraus lasse sich lernen: “Even when it was first a comic relief, then that was the comedy that was good.”

Mittlerweile is clear, it is a microRNA gibt, which plays a separate role in different, complex organisms: This “unerwartete Ebene” of the generation, which “während der gesamten tieischen Entwicklung, who is at the Entwicklung of erwachsenen Zelltypes of separate Bedeutung “, heisst es. Michael Jantsch from the Medical University of Vienna, who has now developed the idea of ​​microRNAs as therapeutic inducers. There have been many clinical trials that have lasted a while in phase II, and there is Hepatitis C. A therapeutic treatment could potentially work on a miRNA basis.

Victor Ambros moved and lived in the North of the US. New Hampshire was born in the US Federal State and barbarism became common in Vermont. Seine Doktorarbeit schrieb is at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Dort started as a postdoc and started researching the Fadenwürmer. Slow stations at Harvard University and at Dartmouth Medical School are a professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Gary Ruvkun comes from Berkeley in the US-Federal State of California and spent his bisherische Berufsleben in the US. He studied at the University of California and Harvard University and at MIT in Cambridge. This happened when Ambros earned the 2002 Nobel Prize in Robert Horvitz’s Labor in the 1980s. Danach studied Ruvkun at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, where he is a professor of genetics.

The Nobel Prize Regen is awarded to the Service with the Bekanntgabe der Auszeichnung für Physik fortgesetzt, Chemistry follows the Mittwoch, Literatur am Donnerstag, the Friedens-Nobelpreis in the Freitag and the Montag darauf de Wirtschaftswissenschaften. The price is paid since you receive eleven million Swedish crowns (969,000 euros). The reign took place on 10. Dezember, the day of the Stifters Alfred Nobel, statt.