
These Unternehmen plan Entlassungen in Deutschland – here we are, we are affected

These Unternehmen plan Entlassungen in Deutschland – here we are, we are affected

The German Wirtschaft is changing – and the next steps are bitter for the workers. Inflation, high energy costs and rising prices represent the major costs. Die Folge: Tausende Entlassungen in Germany. Denn: Those Unternehmen müssen spare, a cousin will land in the rotten Zahlen.

Für felle in Deutschland bedeutet das: Arbeitsplätze fallen away, Standorte were closed and Belegschaften significantly reduced. Is it possible that the Rotstift was used in those years? Here the largest Job Abbaumaßnahmen in the Überblick.

Continental: Der Kahlschlag continues

The automotive industry Continental has started with the Abbau von Stellen in 2023. Bisher hat der Konzern 5000 Arbeitsplätze in de Bereichen Entwicklung, Produktion und Verwaltung gestrichen. By 2028, 7,150 couples will have been repaid, reducing costs by 400 million euros.

7150 Sets of warm weather at Continental were purchased. – Copyright: Picture Alliance

Miele: Washing machines after Poland, Jobs ade

Miele factory, until 2028, run 1300 couples in Germany abzubauen. In addition, the 700 working places in washing machine production have been affected after the Polish downturns. The Stellenabbau is part of the business activities, in which the Unternehmen jointly with the Gewerkschaft IG Metall.

In 2028 it will take longer before the Couples are established at Miele. – Copyright: Picture Alliance

Bosch: Der stille Abschied von 3500 Jobs

Bosch has been updated, bis 2027 etwa 3500 Stellen im indirecten Bereich abzubauen. These entlassungen cover all processing positions. In the year 2024, 450 couples will be lost in Germany. Bosch is initiating social renewal and will intensify the heat effects after possible avoidance.

3500 Couples will be completed in 2027, resulting in the Konzern. – Copyright: Picture Alliance

Thyssenkrupp Steel: Das Ende in Bremen?

Am Standort Bremen-Farge von Thyssenkrupp goes to Unternehmen 420 von 550 Arbeitsplätzen. Other products in production may be affected. The Gewerkschaft IG Metall criticizes the maßnahmen scharf en spricht vom “Ende des Standorts”.

Die Tochtergesellschaft Thyssenkrupp Steel soll bis 550 Stellen streichen. – Copyright: Picture Alliance

SAP: Umstrukturierung auf dem Rücken der Mitarbeiter

Der Softwarekonzern SAP has a large capacity, in a structure that can accommodate up to 10,000 couples. Ursprünglich war der Abbau von 8000 Arbeitsplätzen planted, but the maßnahmen were ausgeweitet. Gleichzeitig, SAP invests in the new Stellen im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz.

10,000 Mitarbeitern dry at SAP a Entlassung. – Copyright: Picture Alliance

Tesla: Grünheide spars 400 Couples

Tesla factory, in Werk Grünheide near Berlin, runs for 400 days. There were jobs that were accepted by 300 Leiharbeiter. The Stellenabbau has resolved a problem solving problem and the tax resolution has dropped to approximately 11,800 cases.