
Herbs: This Pilsner is a real Superfood

Herbs: This Pilsner is a real Superfood

If you are on a certain type of pill, this becomes a different pill-centric meal. The Pilze is lonely, tasty and healthy.

This is the Nähr- und Inhaltsstoffe von Pfifferlingen

Pfifferlinge sind ballaststoffreich and fördern de Verdauung. Die Pilze has 6.5 g Requirements per 100 Grams a high Requirements. A healthy amount contains 0.5 g of fat and 0.2 g of carbohydrate and 11 calories per 100 grams.

The beta vitamin, also as augenvitamin, is offered to the Sehkraft.

In Pfifferlingen, the amino acid L-Tryptophan is transported through our serum in the hormone serotonin and subsequently in melatonin. The hormone is for us an unhealthy Schlaf-Wach-Zustand responsible and possibly a positive, erholtogether Schlaf.

Do you want Pfifferling-Saison?

Der gelbe, kleine Pilz wait in Deutschland between July and November. Allerdings are offered in South and North America, North Asia, Australia and Europe and are sold in supermarkets all year round. Regional Pils is found in the Regel on Bauernmarken.

Nicht zu velde Pfifferlinge essen

Pfifferlinge enthalten, wie velde other Pilze, the Schwermetalle Blei and Cadmium. Fachleute empfehlen daher, a maximum of 200 Gram Wildpilze in the week zu delivered. Schwangere, Stillende anyway Grandchildren sollten all their views.

Pfifferlinge: Darauf solltest du beim Sammeln eighten

  • Pfifferlings can also be found in German forests. All the more sollte man beim Pilzpflücken über good Kennisnisse versügen.
  • Generell sind Pilze leicht über wechseln en können schwer verdaulich or sogar poisonous signals.
  • Before you venture into the Wälder, you will try the most diverse Pilzarten vertraut machen. Hilfreich können dabei Pilzbestimmungsbücher sein.
  • Make sure you have a hereditary Begleiter/ a hereditary Begleiterin with some gesammelten Pilze from a Kenner bzw. an expert in super-prüfenlassen.

Buy Pfifferlinge in the supermarket

Products can of course be offered in the supermarket or fresh on the market for purchase.

  • If Kauf von Frischen Pilzen loses the eighth time the Pilze loses the pill.
  • Plastic packaging eliminates the need to buy and sell a product in an instant.
  • The Pfifferlinge will have a clean gelbe farbe and not even a shriveled signal.
  • Make sure it is light after the apricot riechen.
  • Faule oder gar schammlige Pilze will not be delivered. An unangenehmer Geruch weist ebenfalls darauf hin, dass die Pilze nicht mehr genßbar.

Zubereitung von Pfifferlingen

  • If you’re convinced the beer will go further, it’s best to go straight to the scent – ​​it’ll be the best scent.
  • A package in a paper package in the kitchen, stop the package and a week.
  • Before using the pill, you can use a paper towel or a beer bottle. This can be a problem. Avoid everything, the Pilze unter Wasser zu waschen, that they will soon lose their Geschmack.
  • Other dramatic or dramatic couples became rausgeschnitten.
  • After the Säubern test of the Pils for 15 minutes of roasting, it is fresh since the last few people are unaffected.