
Hans-Dietrich Genscher’s Balcony Speech in Prague: So entstand die Aufnahme

Hans-Dietrich Genscher’s Balcony Speech in Prague: So entstand die Aufnahme

35. Jahrestag
Warum Genscher’s historical speech is fast not seen on TV

Hans-Dietrich Genscher on the Prager Botschaftsbalkon

Hans-Dietrich Genscher was on September 30, 1989 on the Prager Botschaftsbalkon (below the Fensterkreuz on the right)

© Reinhard Kemmether / DPA

The historical presentation of Hans-Dietrich Genscher on the Prager Botschaftsbalkon brought Tausenden the freedom – and love thanks to the Geistesgegenwärtigkeit zier Man on TV.

“Wir since I came to life, my life was with me, that was my journey…” The rest of the world is jubilant and good, world history and freedom. The war took place on January 35, September 30, 1989 at 6:58 PM, as Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher on the balcony of the Palais Lobkowitz, the Sitz der Deutschen Botschaft in Prague, and a historic Satz sprach. “… in the Federal Republic of Germany it has become possible,” was said again – but no one said that anymore. It has never again become a human being who, in the light of his speech, has acted like Sargnagel for the daring GDR relations.

If you thank the Bedeutung on the Tatsache, it is only the beef 4000 GDR-Flüchtlinge, which will be part of their lives after they are completely filled with Botschaftsgelände ausharrten, Genschers erlösendes Versprechen hörten. The Worte of the FDP politicians finds the balcony of the Prager Island in the West and above all in the East German Wohnzimmer. Great men, women and children’s powers have the first right to the self-determination judges and the building state on the road in Prague, in the free-spread Hauptstadt der Tschechoslovakei. The power of the SED dictatorship has further eroded.

Hans-Dietrich Genscher’s Balcony Speech went into the Welt

If the Ansprache Genschers are at all a world of business, a Fernsehteam from the ZDF is left behind; Stephan Radke and the Geistesgegenwärtigkeit seines Tontechnikers could adopt an instinct of the Kamermanns – and a hair was the iconic series that does not exist. Allgegenwärtige Handykameras were 1989 nor nicht einmal Zukunftsmusik.

View the 30. Years of Reason for the years of the war Radke a fragmented Mann. Unter Anderem in ZDF erzählt there, who is the war on September 30, 1989, who has determined its historical history. Normally, statements from the Botschafters Hermann Huber when the main entrance to the Palace Lobkowitz was opened, while other Fernsehteams came from all Welt articles. “I had the Gefühl, if it was passive, then we would die people, hint in the garden too.” While there is a straw house, the man from space has come to buy. “I am a Gaunerleiter on these Houses, the Chamber has I auf’s Stativ setstelt and ich konnte gerade nor the Auslöser drücken. Then a Light went on that Balcony a, Genscher trat heraus and sprach diese Worte.”

It is no longer the case that Bildern blieb, part of the Ton could become a bit, the most reichische Tonmann could react quickly – and that is so. The Kameramikrofon has not received any message from a single chamberlain of the “Leipziger Volkszeitung” (LVZ). With a statue and a statue in the package it is still possible to get into the hotel, the sensational appearance in the Mainzer Sendezentrale des ZDF-überspielt – and the right choice for the German home. Der Rest is Geschichte – en Gänsehaut.

“Bilder, die Weltgeschichte Krachten”

I have only just begun with the first Züge von Prag in the Richtung Bundesrepublik, how Hans-Dietrich Genscher started the GDR-Führung trade. The Bedingung Ostberlins: The Züge must be in the state area of ​​the GDR fahren. Zur Beruhigung der aufgewühlten Flüchtlinge were western German Regierungsbeamte mit in den Waggons.

If the Zuge am Morgen des 1. Oktober im bayerischen Hof anhielten, flossen Tränen. Fear and uncertainty are the forces of Freud over the Freiheit and Erleichterung Platz. In the coming weeks, the GDR citizen cannot continue on that path in the West. On November 9, Mauer started the Chapter of the GDR.

“It’s actually a modest impulse that didn’t go well in Dunkeln,” a Kameramann Radke has arrived who has worked in the LVZ for 30 years. “Aber es were Bilder, die ein bisschen Weltgeschichte Krachten.”

Hinweis of the Editorial Team: This article appeared on 30. Jaar van Genschers Ansprache on September 30, 2019.

Quellen: ZDF, “Leipziger Volkszeitung”, Deutsche Botschaft Prag
