
Beruf und Familie – Kinderkrankentage: Who else can arrange it, we can stay safe – Wirtschaft

Beruf und Familie – Kinderkrankentage: Who else can arrange it, we can stay safe – Wirtschaft

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – Ist das Kind first sick, bleibt meist nicht fall Time for long Überlegungen. If I have never reported it, it is often the most insulting version of child regret, as Nancy Meckert reports. The Coachin is the Man of the Union of Beruf and Family.

“In most cases it is grumbling, then zu Hause bleibt,” he said. “Mütter übernehmen nor always a large part of the care, but often in time and if you are in the situation, then the job works zu lassen.”

Think of it as Team Sehen

But that could lead to frustration and frustration. Besser sei es, if Eltern so früh who inspräch zu kommen and zu überlegen, who the Betreuung of the children in the Krankheitsfall sichergestellt could be. It is not that there are no arguments, but the team has been strengthened. These snippets may help:

– Who are you lying about your jewels that are beruflichen Prioritäten?

– Was he more flexible?

– Which question is at the right time for either?

Let it work

“That’s clear, but it’s not a problem at all,” Meckert continues. “Our business changes in itself. If you are wondering how to reflect, it is a matter of the situation.” The insulting option does not apply to the best. Statistics on all rolls, hinterfragt and gunshots were, in and of themselves, honestly worked out.

Please note: Childcare costs, for the Eltern, a special Anzahl Kinderkrankengeld from his Krankenkasse erhalten, sich zwischen Elternteilen flexibly available. “Theoretically, the children’s insanity affects the other children, so both referees together,” says Petra Heinevetter of the Unabhängigen Patientenberatung Deutschland (UPD). “I am a new calendar that can be adapted beyond any new form.”

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