
Bruce Willis: Tochter Tallulah posted emotional confession of life

Tallulah Willis (30) has emerged with his fast 420,000 Instagram followers in the photos “from the great archive”, while he sees the most evil Hollywood star Bruce Willis (69) with his father.

Tochter Talluha posts Photos by Bruce Willis

The first image said Bruce, that he went on the backside kiss and did his best at the Schultern party. Tallulah geniuses the moment with his own eyes and his hands on the signals. In the two photos they are both grinning from one person or another, which is a good idea with a little nudelsuppe for sitting down. When the image is viewed by Papa Bruce, it is a book of published Zeitschrifts in his book. You read “Willis Kraft” on a cover.

And if everything is not so nice, Tallulah writes nor a rührende Hommage zu den Bildern: “Hey, I love this guy so much and Gefühle zu empfinden is een harte Sache, aber I am so grateful, that I see you through my hindurchfließen lassen Kann, anstatt mich von ihnen zu trenen!”

Bruce Willis led a Demenz

Bruce Willis woke in March 2022 through his years of physical career and outside the open air, night with an aphasia – an erworbene, Zentrale Sprachstörung, which during a schädigung des Gehirns ausgelöst – diagnostics become war. In February 2023, the family is engaged in a frontotemporal Demenz festival.

In August, Tallulah dies in an interview with the message “E! News”, that is because his father did not have any discourse, in the situation was “a good Sache”. Außerdem schwärmte sie auch da von der gegenseitigen Liebe: “Ich weiß, dass er weiß, who sehr ich ihn liebe. Ich weiß, who sehr there mich liebt – ich weiß, who sehr there all liebt.”

Gemeinsam with his first Ehefrau Demi Moore (61) was killed by Bruce Willis, Töchter Rumer (36), Scout (33) and Tallulah. With a close look at Ehefrau Emma Heming-Willis (46) has two more Töchter (born 2012 and 2014).
