
Gaza-Krieg and Kulturszene – Nahost-Konflikt: Left Techno Club leads to Angriffen – Politik

Gaza-Krieg and Kulturszene – Nahost-Konflikt: Left Techno Club leads to Angriffen – Politik

Berlin (dpa/bb) – Erneut hat der left-alternative Berliner Technoclub About Blank Angriffe, Hetze und Drohungen weigh seiner differentiation Haltung zum Krieg in Gazastreifen complains. Let the Islamic Islamist Hamas in Israel attack a year ago and the beginning of the Krieges a series of Schmierereien, Fäkalienwürfen and other physical attacks and with Buttersäure about Blank, write the Club in a postponed stellungnahme on the Internet. “This other link is a way to magnify the situation, but the context of Israel-Palästina conflicts is wrongly positioned.”

Through the collection of concrete collections of club concern, the afterhost conflict and the construction of the complex, “an end and a plaquetiv partei of ergreifen”. Once it does, Israel will be a real insurer. It is true that many people are opposed to anti-Semitism and boycott campaigns. Mistakes were disguised on the Internet as ‘pro-Israeli’ or ‘Zionist’ and with blatantly false behavior. Please be aware of club policy and bedroom.

Zerrissene Clubszene

Möglich must be compatible with all, on the Israelite and on the Palestinian side, with Jews and Muslims. Stattdessen are a more anti-Semitic Vorfälle van Welle in Germany. “A solidarity with the sacrifice of the 7th of October and the Supernova Festivals has again not been found in the society of Breite, in the Clubkultur or the inner half of the Links.” Offen israelfeindliche and antisemitische Bekundungen würden the Massaker and the Terror of Hamas. The Ganze Clubs are serious zerriissen.

In any case, they are always involved in the propaganda, propaganda symbols of Hamas and anti-Semitic newspapers and others that link Kneipen or Kultuurinrichtungen gegeben. It is the task of the active action group to encourage Berliner Kultursenator Joe Chialo (CDU) and other representatives of the company.

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