
Energy drink consumption for young adults: Braucht is an alternative description?

Energy drink consumption for young adults: Braucht is an alternative description?

Etwa 18 Stück Würfelzucker stecken in der Dose eines bekannten Energy drinks. After we find a whole coffee, we will make the Wachmacher a totally impenetrable problem. It is probably that most people think: Fast Jeder Dritte regularly griefen on Energy drinks. If you have a Forsa image in the Verbraucherschutz-zorganization of Foodwatch, the RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND) is exclusive to.

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Demnach gaben 19 Prozent der befragten 14- tot 18-Jährigen an, Energydrinks mehrmals pro Monat zu trinken. At 8 Prozent der Jugendlichen countries the doses die in the Woche in the Einkaufswagen. 2 Try an example of energy drinks for consumption.

Foodwatch will sell energy drinks and minors

43 Prozent hinges can be used with the coin machine and disused if they are their own. Weitere 28 Prozent grifen black manchmal zur Dose, aber seltener as mehrmals pro Monat. Für die Erhebung is fragmented by the Meinungsforschungsinstitut Forsa 1000 Jugendliche im Alter von 14 tot 18 Jahren. The computerized telephone interviews would take place from July to September 2024.

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Foodwatch has found an alternative to selling products. “Energy drinks have been associated with cardiovascular disorders, cramping and anxiety disorders – and have been associated with all-day health problems,” said Rebekka Siegman of Foodwatch. “The Federal Government will make the gefährlichen Wachmacher not longer as Randfänomen herunterspielen. They must also die Warnungen der Wissenschaft seriously nehmen und Kinderschützen.“ The organization sieht dabei Ernährungsminister Cem Özdemir and Family Ministerin Lisa Paus (in addition to Grüne) in the Pflicht, a Verkaufsstopp der Getränke and Minderjährige umzusetzen.

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The advice for health, well-being and the entire family – you can enjoy Donnerstag.

An Altersgrenze is used in Poland

Anyone who can do that says a look at Nachbarland Poland. You can buy a drink from Energy Drinks verboten for people up to the age of 18 for a year. In Lithuania, Latvia or Rumänien, alternative borders are an eführt, concrete Foodwatch.

When the coffee content had stopped, a dose of 250 milliliters of an energy drink with a cup of coffee stopped it. Viele Getränke is sold directly in a dose of 500 milliliters. That’s it: Does a 15-year-old drink a single dose, wherever that is, there are two Bags Kaffee with 18 Stück Würfelzucker in Combination with substances and taurine consumers. The Federal Institute for Risk Management (BfR) warned that the excess consumption of energy drinks can increase healthy risks in children and young people.

Verbraucherzentrale warning voor Auswirkungen

The Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (VZBV) stops short of being cautious, if the extreme drink of the bitter coffee geschmack is put on the market – a greater amount of mixtures would be mixed over time. More Energy drinks hinterinander can bring a new Wirkungen mit sich, warning der Verband. If you use alcohol or alcohol, you can use the amount of water or the liquid from the Herz-Kreislauf-Systems system and play a role. Neben Wirkungen wie nervosität, Schlaflosigkeit und Ubelkeit seien Bluthochdruck oder Herzrasen moglich.

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If Foodwatch on the VZBV offers a product and less food – and heavy for all the heritage products with a high temperature, then the Verband is more than 150 milligrams of the liter of festsetzt. Dazu würden nicht nurviele Energy drinks, including a Cola-Getränke zählen. The Bürgerrat für Ernährung pays for a regularization and applies an Alter limit of 16 years.

The Wirtschaftsvereinigung Alkoholfreie Getränke (Wafg) regards this Empfehlung as “unverhältnismäßig”. Energy Drinks is a company that, in Germany, is “strictly and strictly responsible for risk assessment and regulation”, which is the interest of the Soft Drink Industry.