
He has lost Job with Simone

He has lost Job with Simone

Seit der Ehe with Richard Lugner, Frau Simone has given a Stelle in her Einkaufszentrum. Nach de Tod des Gesellschaftslöwen is damit Schluss.

On August 12, Richard “Mörtel” Lugner died at the age of 91. Wenige Monate vor seinem Tod has found his partner in Simone das Jawort. With the Eheschließung wurde Letztere nicht nur Lugners Frau, without any doubt in Anschluss as well as a Stelle in seinem Einkaufszentrum “Lugner City”. That hat is now lost.

After the last days of the Austrian Community, we will have a new job like that. 42-year-old Simone Lugner was recognized by the management of the Einkaufszentrum “Lugner City”. The development of the new structure and the reorganization of the subdivisions have changed the urban development of Lugner in a number of different ways. “Eine dieser Änderungen betrifft die Entscheidung, das Laborverhältnis von Frau Simone Lugner nicht fortzsetzen.”

Den Job in the “Lugner City” with its 100th birthday of Simone Lugner on August 1. When you’re so focused, it’s not like it’s a thing. “If I was ever fragmented, I could do my best,” he said of the “Kurier.” If you’re thinking about it, consider that it’s best to start and stop making a plan to make it work. “That aber in Wirklichkeit anscheinend schonze Zeit meinen Austritt haben haben, that ich ich natürlich nicht kapiert”, he says dem Blatt.

Richard Lugner has Simone as his heir on 1st June. Es were seine sechste Ehe. She is now at 72 Tage. Der Unternehmer begins in August in the 91st century. The Über Österreichs Grenzen started to go to war when Lugner became everything by the seine Auftritte beim Wiener Opernball en der Seite berühmter Frauen. How Gagen deals with his years in Hollywood Green, in the Wiener Oper zum Tanzparkett zu führen. In the present year of war Elvis-Witwe Priscilla Presley a blessing ship Seite.