
Snus und Nikotinbeutel: Sicherere Alternative zu Zigaretten?

Snus und Nikotinbeutel: Sicherere Alternative zu Zigaretten?

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Snus-KonsumSnus and Nikotinbeutel: healthy alternative to cigarettes?

If you spend more time on Nikotinbeuteln, um vom Rauchen zukommen. How do you see these products? An expert clears up.

Tim RutscheJastine Deiss
  • Nikotin in Form von Tabak is exceptionally schädlich, that is the Rauchen that a Krebsrisiken-birgt.

  • Tobacco and tobacco-free products are German when it comes to the use of products and new harmful substances.

  • Tobacco-free Nikotinbeutel can be a safe alternative, but mountains have more certain risks with Mundschleimhautschäden.

Nikotin will have a good feeling about a high-consumption company and may end up consuming tobacco for years. Tobacco consumption, especially in the form of cigarettes, is nevertheless subject to health risks associated with cigarettes, including 6000 harmful substances.

With their long-term health awareness, such a positive impact on people’s lives as well as alternatives. An alternative is Snus or tobacco-free Nikotinbeutel. Do you have a problem with this product? Reto Auer, Hausarzt and Leiter des Bereichs Substanzkonsum an der Universität Bern, bring Light into Dunkel.

If you want to clear more information about Snus explosives explosives, click HERE from the link to the article.

«The Zigarette never ends life»

If you start with concrete, Nikotin’s design starts in the shape of the tobacco flanze, when it is rolled up. “It is a fact that the Tabakkonsum crisis could end the future,” he said.

Laut einem Bericht der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Sucht und nichtübertragbare Krankheiten (EKSN) sterben 50 von 100 lebenslangen Rauchern und die Folgen ihres Tabakkonsums. At Tabakerhitzungsproducten, at the Tobacco by a battery that is sold, the EKSN estimates the Zahl at 30 people, and at E-Zigaretten, which do not confiscate Tobacco, if persons are neither.

Reto Auer concretet, wie schädlich de Tabakpflanze for the human body.

Reto Auer concretet, wie schädlich de Tabakpflanze for the human body.

Photo: Markus Iseli

Nikotin in Form von Tabak am schädlichsten

If the Snus of the Tobacco absorbs the Mundschleimhaut, the Krebsrisiko German is lighter. Here it is estimated, that is neither one of the persons who are sterben. If tobacco-free tobacco use no longer occurs, compare with Nikotinersatz therapies.

Die verdeutlicht, die product, die nicht geraucht zijn, deutlich weniger schädlich sind. Nikotinbeutel ohne Tabak und Nikotinersatztherapieën schneiden dabei am best ab. «Nikotin selbst ist nun mal nicht krebserregend», so Auer.

Relapse of Krebserkrankungen trotz gleichbleibendem Nikotinkonsum

In Sweden there is 20 percent of the Bevölkerung nikotinsüchtig, jedoch since now sechs Prozent davon tag Raucher. “That’s phenomenal, wow!” says Reto Auer. If you say that you have a long line of credit or a reinsurance company, people are rückläufig.

Once the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has conducted an official investigation, the tobacconists could be connected to tobacco arms, which would allow for more credits.

Good alternative?

The Zentrale Fragment-bleibt jedoch, ob tobacco-free Nikotinbeutel as an Alternative served können of ob se young Menschen in the Nikotinsucht treiben. Reto Auer meint dazu: “Solange is not active if you want to buy something, a new chance to suffer a loss, Nikotinsüchtige for the zahlreichen Gesundheitsrisiken zu bewahren.”

If the Frage, while you are sei a Nikotinbeuteln-gestorben, answers the Hausarzt with a clear “Nein”. Die bisher kan Schäden beschränken ich auf een geschädigte Mundschleimhaut. Once the substance is absorbed, it can completely fall out of the sky. This may well be the case, while Nikotin’s stimulating move keeps resurgence risks high. Other inhalants, with added aromas, could increase the risk of exposure.

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