
Digital skills for Schüler*innen: Zweites SKILLsCamp in Gmünd for digital skills and innovative solutions

Digital skills for Schüler*innen: Zweites SKILLsCamp in Gmünd for digital skills and innovative solutions

(openPR) The idea of ​​SKILLsCamp is an innovative idea: young talent in the sector with innovative solutions and ideas with a focus on digitalization. In those years there were first Schüler*innen at the Gymnasium Třeboň (Tschechien) dabei, the camp had a sister international dimension.

Thanks to the deletion of data by Forscher*innen from FH St. Pölten, the Schüler*innen can know and directly encourage the Möglichkeit, innovative methods and modern technologies. They could serve these erearbeiteten Ergebnisse as a basis for professional work, diplomarbeiten and for a more efficient business work with the necessary sub-sectors.

“One of the most important ways we can think is the financing of non-modern ideas and the development of the innovation capacity in the region. With the SKILLsCamp we interact with young people, their idea focuses on researching and clearing information about integration,” says Thomas Moser, Leader of the Institutes for CreativeMedia/Technologies at the FH St. Pölten.

Zukunftslösungen aus der Region für die Region

If the SKILLsCamp is realized in the Bezirkshauptstadt, the Stadtgemeinde Gmünd will be responsible for the development and support of the young people who benefit from their costs. Citizen Helga Rosenmayer expresses the support of the Swiss Association of the FH, the Gymnasium and the Regional Economics: “I am very happy, so we will have the opportunity to have a safe life. “The Idea, School, Science and Economics have great potential.”

„Unsere Idea war, Wirtschaft, Bildungseinrichtungen und Region zu netzen. There is a war for my personal interests, at that time it was the case that Freude beteiligten both in the Umsetzung zu sehen,” says Stefan Graf, CEO of the teilnehmenden Bauunternehmens Leyrer + Graf.

The two SKILLsCamp in Gmünd encounters the Schüler*innen die Möglichkeit, sich intensive met zkunftsweisenden Themen auseinanderzusetzen. In four short-term workshops we will improve our youth and our knowledge of the arts, Nachhaltigkeit bzw. nachhaltigem Bauen.

Künstliche Intelligenz, nachhaltiges Bauen und Abfallroboter

Im Rahmen der Abschlusspräsentationen hatten de Schüler*innen die Occasion, my creative idea voor een interessierten Publikum aus der Region, local local and national Vertreter*innen der Politik, in Eltern und Geschwistern sowie Vertreter*innenr Unternehmen vorzustellen.

The themes displayed by expert intelligence in production are a live demonstration that illuminates the opportunities and limits of chatbots. There is a brand that has developed a model of a nachhaltigen house, with a photovoltaic energy supply and a wind wheel, and a cork film with an Abfallroboter, which has created the publication of some of the next generations.

One of the main features of the SKILLsCamps war is the war of Schüler*innen from Tschechien. Due to the majority of presentations on the English-language content material, the Jugendlichen nicht nur their technical technical characteristics can be impressed by their ausgezeichneten Sprachkenntnisse unter Beweis set.

Wertvolle Kooperation mit Unternehmen

The Kooperationspartner*innen from the Wirtschaft, Darunter Agrana, Eaton Industries, ELK-Fertighaus, Leyrer + Graf, Pollmann, Stark GmbH and Test-Fuchs, are separated from the Erfolg des Camps at. The problem with solving the problems of solving problems is that there are no resources available that are worth working together.

The FH St. Pölten war with the Zwei Instituten am SKILLsCamp is involved with: the Institute for CreativeMedia/Technologies and the Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Forschung. Thomas Moser, Leader of the Institute for Creative Media/Technologies, has the main responsibility for the SKILLsCamp. The most common joint coordination was in the hands of Petra Fischer, Fachverantliche für Forschungscoordination und Innovation in Regional Umfeld at the Institute for CreativeMedia/Technologies and Leiterin des Digital Makers Hub at the FH St. Pölten.

“Involved in the two SKILLs camp, a full experience and future success, which could be jugendliche through creative animation and interdisciplinarity so that they can be separated from each other,” says Fischer.


Over the FH St. Pölten – University of Applied Sciences

The Fachhochschule St. Pölten is a praxisbezogener and learning-oriented orientation in the areas of Media, Communication, Management, Digital Technology, Informatics, Security, Railway Technology, Health and Social Affairs. In 6 departments there are a wide range of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs as well as more than 4,000 students with additional training opportunities. Hereby Lehre and Forschung were narrowly discussed. As a European University, the FH St. Pölten is the European Hochschulallianz E³UDRES² (Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions) and works with Hochschulen from 9 Partner countries and Concepts for the Hochschule der Zukunft as well as a smarter and more European Entwicklung Region.

Information and Rückfragen:

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