
After a mega-exciting start: ARD über Fortsetzung von “Nord bei Nordost”

After a mega-exciting start: ARD über Fortsetzung von “Nord bei Nordost”

On October 3, with “Nord bei Nordost” Premiere in the First: Cordelia Wege (48), David Bredin (50) and Franz Dinda (41) play the Polizisten Nina Hagen (ihre Mutter fand the Vornamen witzig), Tim Engelmann and Felix Bittner. Angesiedelt is the new Krimi, from the Feder von “Nord bei Nordwest” -Erfinder Holger Karsten Schmidt, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

The planning for the Wache des Trios in the fictional Westend form is now free. Just as Hartwig Schulz of the personal government of the land ministries of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, one of the chief priests, exploded a house boat on the Westender See, which an investigative journalist offered…

After that Start next Have you fallen? We are happy to send you a message and enjoy it: “‘Nord bei Nordost: Westend’ is a very strong Crimea, with its own regional character and a special regional team. Since it is clear, that ‘Nord bei Nordost’ is a public place to be with. Ob es weitergeht, were we seen.” Whoever is quoted so often also dies a fortsetzung (mit) divorced.

“Nord bei Nordwest” is a fast competition

If “Nord at Nordost” appears on the page of “Nord at Nordost”, the movie will take longer. The Krimis with Hinnerk Schönemann (49) as Polizist and Tierarzt Hauke ​​​​Jakobs lies with the Marktanteilen on 30 Prozent auch in January 2024 the Konkurrenz behind sich. The final quotes could not be more tender than the ZDF “Bergdoctor” mithalten.

But proud of the titles, “Nord bei Nordost” is a small copy. Holger Karsten Schmidt, creator and author, will provide a description “with a clear representation of ‘Nord bei Nordwest’. I may have a problem with Schwanitz in Westend in his gegenteil verkehrt.”

“Nord bei Nordost”-Ermittlerin in Dreierbeziehung

If the best of the herausstellungsmerkmal is, then Nina Hagen, the sole revier leader, with both their colleges is an affair hat. At “Nord at Nordwest” Hauke ​​​​Jacobs was busy with an art in an art “Dreierbeziehung” with Jule and Lona Vogt, or his Tod eben Hannah Wagner. Warum has never been tied, and with Jule, who no longer wants to in the future, Darstellerin Marleen Lohse (40) explains in an interview with the Mediendienst Teleschau: “If Jule and the Kommissar will come back again, since the Figures will be very welcome. The war started when the Damoklesschwert began, when a Dreier constellation emerged.’

“Nord bei Nordost – Westend” can be streamed in the ARD Mediathek.