
Do you follow Karateka Elena Quirici?

Do you follow Karateka Elena Quirici?

Bezirk Brugg

Bruggerin or Brugger des Jahres 2024: Wer follow auf Karateka Elena Quirici?

Der Förderverein Events Brugg will give a personal touch to its involvement in cultural, sporting or social matters. Das Bewerbungsverfahren läuft. This month’s title meeting will focus on the collaboration with the Kiwanis Club.

“Alle Jahre wieder”, is what people say. One of the Förderverein Events Brugg (FEB), which has the title «Brugger of the Jahres» 2020 ins Leben hat, nor is such a thing for the life of a person, that is human and unique for the community.

At the “Vierlinden” on the Bözberg until the end of January 2021, the first Wetterbedingungen of the first Urkunden- and Preisübergabe in Freien statt. The tall journalist and leader Peter Belart from Schinznach-Dorf dared to put his heart into the world of 1000 Franks.

First Preisübergabe «Brugger des Jahres» on January 26, 2021 (from left): Miro Barp, Förderverein Events Brugg; Barbara Horlacher, Stadtammann; Josef Sachs, Förderverein Events Brugg; and preisträger Peter Belart.

First Preisübergabe «Brugger des Jahres» on January 26, 2021 (from left): Miro Barp, Förderverein Events Brugg; Barbara Horlacher, Stadtammann; Josef Sachs, Förderverein Events Brugg; and preisträger Peter Belart.

Image: Michael Hunziker

During the pre-isvergabe 2022, in the Vorfeld of the Salzhausguggete in Brugg, the Titelträger or the Titelträgerin jewels, a bronze statue of Simon Sidler from Oberflachs, was found, which the Künstler eigens for this Auszeichnung gestaltet hat. In those years, the FEB will have a press conference on the Bezirk Bridge with a bronze statue, who will have the Verein in a Mitteilung-schreibt. But der Rahmen and Zeitpunkt became different.

The prize package is new in December

Das Geheimnis was announced by FEB Chairman Miro Barp in the Samstag, 14. Dezember, in Salzhaus Brugg in Kooperation with the Kiwanis-Club Brugg, which celebrated the Abendveranstaltung after the Weihnachtsbaumverkauf. Barp himself is responsible for the Kiwanis Club and will perform during the FEB month of May during Josef Sachs’ further training. Neu would be the desired person who has not played with the title for even a year.

Am 22. January 2023 Wurde Karateka Elena Quirici on «Bruggerin des Jahres 2023» Ausgezeichnet. Josef Sachs is in the Bossartschüür in Windisch.

Am 22. January 2023 Wurde Karateka Elena Quirici on «Bruggerin des Jahres 2023» Ausgezeichnet. Josef Sachs is in the Bossartschüür in Windisch.

Image: Maja Reznicek

Die Frage is nun: Were continued on the bisherigen Preisträger and Preisträgerinnen Peter Belart, Otto Suhner, Gertrud Maurer and Elena Quirici als Bruggerin or Brugger des Jahres 2024? «Get a person interested in culture, sports or social sciences. The Preisträgerin or der Preisträger is an identification figure that says that it is cool if the Gemeinwohl is employed, i.e. from FEB.

Groups or companies were not eligible

If you check the Bewerbungen aus der Bevolkerung bis 17. November on the FEB website or an address Fröhlichstrasse 5, 5200 Brugg, you will receive a written notice. The old person must live in the Bezirk bridge house and be wayward and out of character for the Gemeinschaft in the Bereichen culture, social or sports activities.

Simon Sidler's bronze sculpture for the «Brugger des Jahres» is enveloped.

Simon Sidler’s bronze sculpture for the «Brugger des Jahres» is enveloped.

Image: zvg/Markus Graf

Make sure you have integrated personal and complete health. They are now more aware of individual persons; Groups or companies cannot be kürt. Bei der Preisvergabe at 14. Dezember in Salzhaus the Begrüssungsapéro starts at 5.30 pm.