
Preisgekrönte iranisch-deutsche fotografin soll sich für Aussage “Free Palestine” entschuldigen

Preisgekrönte iranisch-deutsche fotografin soll sich für Aussage “Free Palestine” entschuldigen

The Iranian-German photographer Shirin Abedi is said to have been guilty of the unlawful act, while she is a Preisverleihung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh) who has been awarded the motto “Free Palestine” (Freiheit für Palästina). Before you do it, it’s embarrassing.

There is an old photojournalist who works in Germany, France, Finland, Estonia and Bangladesh to Australia. I have found my career that provides German and English media equipment.

Shirin Abedi (

On October 12, the DGPh was launched with an annual awards ceremony, while carrying out a project for its planted project, which followed the Diebstahls and the illegal trade of cultural arts activities in the South-West of the country.

If Abedi is an Arab Kufiya trug, there is a price to be paid, which will be reflected in a few minutes of speech, that ‘während met hier feiern, gerade a Volkermord für plausibel erklärt, and one will pass the Leuten in Gaza and Palästina.’ Sightly movement, therefore fugte, that “im letzten Jahr 126 meiner Kolleg/innen in Palästina getötet wurden”. See how the appeal is going: “Happier standard and image euch weiter.” Power is a Friedenszeichen and has used its Ausführungen with dem Aufruf: “Free Palestine!”

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Now we have two days to spare and continue to write a letter from the Vorsitzenden der DGPh-Section Art, Market and Law, Thomas Gerwers. There are ‘political propaganda’, ‘dogmatic fanaticism’ and ‘anti-Israel agitation’ before. One of the most important interests of the Palestinian men, women and children in Gaza – a Kriegsverbrechen van beispiellosem Ausmaß.

Gerwers erklärte in seinem Short article: „If the German Cultural Society stehen we in a special opinion for the Existenzrecht of the State of Israel. Ohne wenn and ohne Aber. … We are going to miss this place, not even more and not a little bit more.” “We are going to miss the poor Gerwers and our colleagues also from Abedi!

There is a great celebration, Abedis Rede has acquired a “sprachlos” power, and makes art guilty. Man reibt sich angesichts dieser Heuchelei, Dummheit und Blindheit gegenüber menslichem Leid erneut die Augen.