
Aktuelle Beiträge, Hintergründe und Commentary – Page 191

Aktuelle Beiträge, Hintergründe und Commentary – Page 191

Ukraine: Aktuelle Beiträge, Hintergründe und Kommentare – Page 191

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Aktuelle Beiträge, Hintergründe und Commentary – Page 191

Ukraine has formed a new parliament – ​​party representation has begun.


Ukrainian President Viktor Juschtschenko has made European integration the only option for his country. In Kiew, der Hauptstadt des Landes, you will find the EU Gipfel Statt.


When a mixture is mixed in Ukraine, the phosphorus particles are separated. The highly toxic substance spreads into a white cloud and a larger area west of Kiev Aus.

Die Neuwahl is een beschlossene Sache. While the opposition rührt the Wahlkampftrommel, the Parlamentsmehrheit abschiedet weiterhin new Gesetze.

Viktor Juschtschenko

I strive for a voracious Wahlen in the Ukraine, who has issued a new ultimatum to the pro-Western president Viktor Juschtschenko from parliament. The first time that the Abgeordneten resisted.

In Ukraine, the parliament ended up in conflict after the end of Neuwahlen. The head chef of the communist party takes action against President Juschtschenko.

After the hearts of the people involved, the conflict parties in the Ukraine have become part of a term for New Year’s Eve. In the meantime, a reformation will be achieved.

I am a power camp in the Ukraine, because the contacts are a unity. President Juschtschenko and Regierungschef Janukowitsch kamen überein, the Parlamentswahlen am on September 30. Jahres die abzuhalten.

That Ukraine remains within Rande Unruhen. The CEO has taken a strong position in the direction of his choice and the fear of Ausschreitungen geschürt.

The Ukrainian president has the power to control the interior ministers. Prime Minister Janukowitsch dies as a result of his death.

One of the most important Russian gas pipelines in Western Europe has been destroyed by an explosion 30 meters away. The background is not yet clear. Engpasse seien nicht zu erwarten.

The broader struggle in the Ukrainian power camp has won a few parliamentary elections. The best Director Viktor Janukowitsch in Kiev.

The Ukrainian Chief of Government, Janukowitsch, will now take an open but foreclosed Neuwahlen. Nun seien Verhandlungen gefragt, so Janukowitsch.

Ukrainian President Viktor Juschtschenko has used the terminology of his old legislature.

The Ukrainian power camp has received more power and attention from President Viktor Juschtschenko of the Gebäude des Verfassungsgerichts in Kiev blockiert. The Richter first has to travel a distance during the long journeys.

In the Ukrainian Hauptstadt, Viktor Juschtschenko was given power and seized by the pro-Western state presidents before demonstrating at the seat of the Verfassungsgericht.

The Regierungskrise in the Urkaine continues now: A meeting between Regierungschef Viktor Janukowitsch with President Viktor Juschtschenko verlief ohne Ergebnis.

The Russian Unterhaus has accepted the approval of the Ukrainian parliaments by the President of Justice as a form of approval. In Kiev, the pro-Russian Prime Minister Janukowitsch took to the streets.

Anhänger of the Ukrainian Government has given its demonstrations to the western-oriented Chiefs of State Viktor Juschtschenko fortgesetzt.

Political criticism in Ukraine has changed: the previous statements of parliamentarians have created a shock for the parliamentary elections, but it is a matter of withdrawal.

The Ukrainian Machtkampf has hardened the fronts. After President Viktor Juschtschenko treated Head of Government Viktor Janukowitsch with the previous chairman, he concluded the parliamentary session.

The ruling party in the Ukrainian parliament has dropped President Viktor Juschtschenko’s candidates for the Amt des Außenministers. The Chief of State joked about “Kindereien”.

A Ukrainian Senit-Trägerrakete with a Telecommunications Satellite of the Luxembourgish Unternehmens SES Global has started launching a swinging Platform on Pazifik explosive.

The Machtkampf in Ukraine is entering a new Runde. The presiding judge can make a formal statement about the fact that the law occupies a position of power and takes control.

Both of our economic opportunities in Kasakhstan and the Ukraine have resulted in less than 45 workers living in their lives. There is talk of being lost and missing.

The security of the Passenger Machine in Ukraine has ensured that both Flugschreiber funds have been funded. Both of these unhappy people have come to terms with the Russian Behörden and their German lives.

Beim Absturz eines Russian Flugzeugs in der Ukraine since all 170 Menschen a Bord ums Leben come. The Unglücksursache is at the end of the party. No one has a solution for an end.

The Ukrainian parliament has challenged pro-Russian politician Viktor Janukowitsch to the prime ministers with more clarity and given a four-month power camp.

After four months there was a political crisis in Ukraine that ended the parties in the Bundesliga. Viktor Janukowitsch becomes the countries’ new Prime Minister.

In Ukraine, the first party of the Unsere Ukraine (pro-Western) and the Party of Regions (pro-Russian) are a Bundnis geschlossen. President Juschtschenko now sees the opportunity for one of the united countries.

After the civil society organizations emerged from the pro-Western “Orange coalition” in Ukraine, the pro-Russian party has become a new governing coalition in its spare time.

After a long period of money and turbulent developments, the pro-Western parties in Ukraine have started a new war with the Orange Coalition. Julia Timoschenko soll erneut Regierungschefin became.

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