
Krafttraining: Warum besondert Frauen auf diesen Sport setzen sollten

Krafttraining: Warum besondert Frauen auf diesen Sport setzen sollten

Kraft training is extremely tough for women and can consume their lives. There is an expert who takes it into account.

If you occasionally rely on the Kraftsport, you can use that text from the Wunsch era when you see the next Hantelstang in the sets – now as a small warning. And if you train regularly with your weight, you will be happier. Denn: Ergebnisse an American-Chinese study has a major influence on kraft sports and a higher lifestyle in women. Für Die Studie, Die Sich der Geschlechtsunterschiede IM Zusammenhang Zwischen Körperlicher Aktivität Und Der GesamtsterBlichkeit Sowie Der KardiovaskUlN Sterblicheit Widmet Wertet. It may be that all possible endpunks with Blutkreislauf, Diabetes, Bluthochdruck and auch Todesfälle berücksichtigt.

For the pleasure of healthy women Frauen weniger Sport treiben as men

The Ergebnisse is astonishing: Laut der Studie müssen Frauen deutlich weniger Sport treiben, um den gleichen gesundheitlichen Nutzen zu erzielen wie men. A maximum strength of the star hair is a man who has about 300 minutes of exercise per week, while women braucht after 140 minutes. Aberdamit noch nicht genug: The study said that women who start Krafttraining two years later live longer with greater effort and a small amount of risks, a herzerkrankung of sterben, as Frauen, those small Krafttraining machines. The cardiovascular system can produce about 30 results.

Kraftsport is the basis for the immune system and the highest level of laundry hygiene

“It is super important that the Frauen Kraftsport company and the muskusule with a weight of one year geben, one that you love,” says Christiane Mensching. Sie ist Fachärztin for Allgemeinmedizin, Geriatrics, Präventionsmedizin and Gesundheitsförderung. Kraftsport improves, like Ausdauersport, the cardiovascular risk factors: Diabetes, Bluthochdruck, Fettstoffwechselstörungen. “It is good for Kraftsport as well as for the Immune System. With the Muskulatur as well as Lymphgefäße, soft drinks were abtransported.” Kraftsport has been developed for all stability and kraft paper in the range. “Up to 40 months – all tests – while the muskelmasse breaks down quickly. For all women it is passion of a woman during menopause. Then fallen progesterone and estrogen are ab. Letzteres is the anabolic hormone in the weiblichen body. Such Abbau is steht in Verbindung mit dem Abbaut der Muskulatur.”

I am the best man for menopause with Kraft training

Once they start, the musk is in the change of high quality of work – it is worth starting with the beginning of training. “Wir brauchen de Muskulatur später für all Mögliche, auch um unser Sturzrisiko zu vermindern”, weiß Mensching and erklärt: “Man cannot really show, the Muskulatur will be a way to change, ins Pflegeheim zu kommen.” If all goes well, the young Alternative Bewegungsabläufe is still as high as the time to change: The Muskulatur in the Schultern and in the Armen is heavy, a tute for a tragedy. The muskrat in the hands, one of the bottoms was one of the most common types of glass. The muskrat in the body and in the mind, which is what you eat. “Man can be inconvenienced no matter what, if Muskeln abbauen, man can be a bit von dem erhalten, was a man who grew up.” Muskeln first starts during menopause – during menopause –, it will last longer and last longer. If the Grund ist der Einstieg ins Krafttraining, also best Falle for der Lebensmitte, elementary.

Kraft training causes spätencomplication – and tracking problems

It probably fell in the long term that the cardiovasculature had no negative consequences for the life-threatening matters, but Mensching. Auch Verletzungen zählen dazu: Stürze sind die häufigst Ursache für Frakturen, weiß sie. “Das kommt bei Frauen turned out higher, weil sie von Grund auf weniger Muskelmasse haben and dadurch weniger Kraft and Stabilität as manner.” This is because the woman has a smaller Knochendichte haben. If it is never in menopause in Germany, it is less important that regular sports sports look high. “Das Risiko, eine Fraktur zu erleiding, is snell dreimal so hoch wie bei Männern”, so die Ärztin. If you want to know that you can determine the direct connection with strong quality and a fragment. The Antwort: “The sterility of a Schenkelneckfraktur is 10% in a month and 25% in a year. If you brauchen that Kraft, a solche Frakturen zu avoid.”

It may be that there is a backlash from the spätere Leben. “Was man often not white at the backs: Man sollte himself move, when Schmerzen come, they will be beautiful.” When you sit in this Kraft sport, you can use the back musculature. A healthy body musculature and stable body muscles can have a great effect on subsequent problems: “we can only die when we have a lung problem.” During exercise and exercise at Kraftsport, people could become more physiological.

Kraft paper! Aber niece nur. That Mischung power

Now that you’ve started Kraft training, you can do wonders. One of the longevity that is considered one of the healthy diets and the prevention of strength, is the chance of all sports elements: Ausdauertraining for the VO2max, the maximum oxygen faufnahme of the diets. Kraft training, a course that stabilizes and is strong. Entspannung in Form of Meditation, Achtsamkeitsübungen or a sauna, one of the Körper Popes zu geben. Isn’t it true that you will get into trouble a second time? “I stop dying Dr. Peter Attia (Ein Arzt, der sich auf die angewandte Wissenschaft der Longevity konzentriert and in Stanford, at Johns Hopkins Hospital anyway at NIH, we were able to look after it; Anm. d. Ed.): Damit das Krafttraining der Gesundheit und Langlebigkeit in de Karten spielt, became three times four Mal pro Woche Ausdauertraining and unefähr two bis three Mal die Woche Krafttraining empfohlen.” Zugegeben: In der Summe das nach nach unrealistic Trainingplan voor manche Berufsgruppe and Lebensumstände , aber: “Kraft and Ausdauer weld themselves in at sometime Sporteinheit combinations: go to the Laufband, then to the Hanteln.”

Frauen müssen keine Angst voor übermäßigem Muskelwachstum durch Krafttraining haben

The people of the theme Kraftsport are proud of all their previous experiences, and are also associated with the best Muskeln and Schultern. Im Grunde wunderbar, aber: Not all Menschen follows that ideal of Schönheit. The training that the Kraft training is going through says that he can no longer give his opinion: “Grundsätzlich können und sollen Frauen Muskeln aufbauen. Aber de Angst for them breiten Aussehen en hemmungslosem Muskelwachstum ist überflüssig”, so die . The versatile Testosterone in the Körper der Frau prevents this enormous accumulation. “With a lot of musculature, it is important to have an intensive training, a continuous training session, with professional development and a thorough training for the follicle phase and the development of the maximum growth potential.” You are in the bodybuilding training with strict, intense training and intense training. At gewöhnlichem Krafttraining the focus is on the formation and strength of the fighters, with moderate musculoskeletal training.

The correct Ausführung at Krafttraining is not that important

Another point, the zögerlichen use with Kraftsport-führt, is the fear of the false Ausführung – and thus of Verletzungen. The correct assessment of the Kraftübungen is the result of the care in particular: “Otherfalls are also bad for the connections, connections and connections.” And if you have a counterproductive product, then: False results could result in subsequent losses. Generell gilded at Krafttraining: lieber with few weights begin and focus one of the Durchführung work, until this sitzt. “Neither is better, with a Trainer: in one’s own way, so that one can start working.” If you win the Mediziner exercises, Kraft training is one of the eighth, new steps to take. “The weight is high or the load is still not that big.”

This is a strength training that is an absolute booster

Think of the functions of Schmerzen in the Skelettsystem, such as Rückenschmerzen, Kopfschmerzen, schlechtem Nacken, for the Krafttraining that is the best, won by the Haltung of the strong Sportart. It is a matter of working on the self-study with: “Who is a man, who goes through the Raum, who Australia, who is attractive when he fights himself, the Kraft training plays a major role. Apropos Selbstwirksamkeit: Beim Kraftsport welds his individual Erfolge messenger – more weight, longer duration, a self-conscious attempt to make a great effort, “influencing” the psyche.

Kraftsport and Zyklus: miteinander statt gegeneinander

With your employees in mind for work, you can look after your job during training. Was he really okay with that? “The burden of menstruation prevents the man from training his movements and erectile dysfunction – although the body muscles training, we do not have to worry about it anymore,” he said. More Erschütterung würde zu no more Gewebeabtransport führen. When women menstruate, the cracked muscles spasm, which prevents the cramps from occurring. In the follicle phase of the Östrogen level, we work on strength training and intensive training with HIIT. When the demands of the woman’s body are produced, the anabolic hormones estradiol and testosterone are often used – and more force can be applied to the skin. The ideal time for intensive weight loss. It is important that the luteal phase and absent hormone levels are performed on a wenger kraft paper. After all, the (Kraft-)Training should be carried out in a different way: “I am confident, the intensity of the training and the own body-building skills, which are not superior and they are able to hear, are the best choices that can be made – and should be .” The training at that time was milder, the duration and altitude were minimal, or the Kraft training would become a little easier during yoga. Der (menstruation) It takes a while before you pause, a long time and a long breath. Also: Namaste and Push.

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