
Neurowissenschaften: Spektakuläre Rekonstruktion des Fliegenhirns

The function of nerves and learning were learned through a number of neurological functions. In the year 2000, the biochemist Eric Kandel received the Nobel Prize for his work on the Meeresschnecken nervous system, which occupied approximately 20,000 neurons. Bisher has given Forscher the “Gehirne” of the Fadenwurms C. elegansextracted from 300 neurons is a full-fledged reconstruction of fruit flies with approximately 3000 neurons.

Nun is an international research team under the US-American Leitung dies for Gehirn an American Fruchtfliege gelungen, who reports in Fachmagazin „Nature“: Gross wie ein Mohnkorn, enthält es knapp 140,000 Neurone – das Menschenhirn umfast rund 600,000 Mal so fell. I am Schnitt hat je Nervenzelle der Fruchtfliege rund 360 others Verbindungen zu,berichtet das Team.

Zur Erstellung des “Konnektoms”, also sozusage deschaltungsplans deszentralen Nervensystems, analysierte das Team 21 Millionen promisemicroskopische Aufnahmen von gut 7000 Gewebeproben aus dem Gehirn einzelnen weiblichen Fruchtfliege. There are useless automatic algorithms used by the Hilfe of computer games, which have generated a forschungsproject in “FlyWire”.

When visualizing the nice, large veins of the flies with the
When visualizing the nice, large veins of the flies with the “Connection Bäumen” are possible.Tyler Sloan and Amy Sterling; FlyWire, Princeton University

If the flight starts as a computer – “however great results can be achieved without the need for logical logic”, explains John Ngai, director of Initiative “Brain” of the US National Institutes of Health, the project with financial support.

“It’s a Meilenstein,” comments from the neuroscientist Moritz Helmstaedter in the project department – ​​there is director of the Frankfurt Max Planck Institutes for healthcare and the war against its development. “With the connection a person can be the fundamental legend Frage, whatever Zelltypes are, abstractly clear. “Beim Verstandnis des Verhaltens der Fliegen stehen wir jetzt on einer ganz other Basis.”

The team now has the ground legends who took down the flight. If someone bought a kind of previous hat, he is a man in the Low Countries, the production of the layers is wrong. Now that part of the nervous system is in place, other explanations for the spread can arise. “The Hintertüren der Hypothesenwelt has since been released – that is the most important.”

If a single flight is made now, it will not be a big Manko. “Bei Fruchtfliegen since we are still in a single region, if we can get through it, that is the greatest part of the history of individuals,” said Helmstaedter – abgesehen von Geschlechterunterschieden in manchen Bereichen. It’s interesting to see how interesting it is. “Eine Fliege is een besserer autonomous Flugapparat als alles, wir construction können”, says er. “With dry wires, it is not so good.”

If you see that it is a fragment, consider the ergebnisse on the human überragbar – Helmstaedter will himself focus on the human power, but beschränkt sich die bislang on his small part of the gehirns. “Neuronal Schaltkreise remain in evolution not unaffected,” it says. “Unlike a molecule that has a common relationship with the bacteria, that is the Ebene of the Schaltkreise über de Evolution that is often used.” If the Meilenstein no longer comes out, the plan is that a Säugetiergehirns has put in the air. “The power of the masters is no longer an unerreichbar.” That time has passed 75 million Nervenzellen, and has also become a Tausendstel der Anzahl for Menschen.