
Always at night, the time is right? The Chinese organ was so beautiful

Always at night, the time is right? The Chinese organ was so beautiful

All Körperorganen and functions are the years that they will use a best Tages bzw. Nachtzeit Zugeordnet.

In TCM, the organ can be one of the best hours of maximum energy – watch a person get up, sending out the right signal.

9-11 p.m: That is the Time of the three-fachen Erwärmers, the little organist, who TCM has praised the Zusammenspiel of the Energiekreisläufe, who comes in Abend zur Ruhe. Blutdruck and Puls sink, the Verdauungsorgane enters the Erholungs phase. It is a good time, a lesson, your meditation or the life of your women.

If you make an effort and wait longer, you may experience a strong current and a sollte stress that causes stress to the tension you have. A large amount of time can be spent on the schlaf and some will be avoided.

23-1 Hour: Jetzt schlägt de Stunde der Gallenblase en es wird Zeit zum Schlafengehen. Puls, Blutdruck and Kortisolwert sink and die Haut regenerates itself. There was no negative influence on alcohol and alcohol.

1-3 hours: In those wonderful things that give the life of the corper – man falls on his glass, but at that time man will vermutlich have a problem in his or her life. Alcohol-free and alcohol-free food is a green tea to increase the taste of the miracle.

3-5 hours: The Lunge is restarted if the Fenster is insulted by the schlafen, but the process can no longer be performed. If you often watch your own house during that time, you are looking for a breakdown: a cigarette or an allergic reaction is a problem? There is a small fluctuation of the power of cooking through the Hustenreiz merksam.

7-9 a.m: What is the nature of the decision-making process? The TCM company has a light hot morning meal, zum Beispiel Porridge with Zimt and gedämpftem Obst. The branded items come from the frühstück that stands on negative messages or comments for the lie of the job. Then the tag started and started with Kraft.