
Donaueschingen: Sattes Farbenspiel mit Tiefgang

Donaueschingen: Sattes Farbenspiel mit Tiefgang

Donaueschingen – Cecilia Edefalk has called on the Swedish female art teachers and of the time presented in the Fürstlich Fürstenbergische Sammlungen a Auswahl and Malerei, Photography and Skulpturen. It is best to look at the Farbenspiel of Blau and Grau, which contains Bronze as material.

The gemstones are in the blue of the horizons, the helleren Himmelbau bis zum satten Azur, content. At the Vernissage, the Christian Erbprinz in Fürstenberg is just as active as the Künstlerein de zahlreichen Besucher with his Künstlerische Weg. If you know that the gems have been purchased – the leinwände has been raised or lied in the Fußboden – entstands in der Champagne. If you forget how emotional the emotional problems are, you can deal with small problems. Is it a hair of Pinselns visible bar, like the initials of the names or the Ort des Entstehens in Champagne? The Farbe Grau hat Cecilia Edefalk in her photography routine. If you have an emotional moment, you will have more analog room parties.

Der Erbprinz does not tend to be forgotten if there is a reputation, time commitment and a natural way of working. Beeindruckend dieses Schwarz-Weiß-Foto. At the center of a Schnake, the flash will sway in the wind. Diese insekt saß eine geraume Zeit vor ihrem Küchenfenster in Frankreich, wie de Künstlerin erzählt. A photo model, who is a nun in Donaueschingen, is presented. The photos are an emotionally emotional art, which is not intensified by the geltung due to the black effect. Celebrating magical moments when the adventure no longer fascinates, but on a spectacular journey. As a material, the timely art for bronze is shown. Here you will find a celebration of agriculture and the history of Champagne. If you see the strong holz-imitating Wurzel or the filigree work of art “Bronze Drawing”, you can view the small works of art.

This connection with nature is about the image of the Fürstlich Fürstenbergische Sammlungen, who unsterstreicht the Erbprinz. Nature is the best, the most mysterious and secret image of all. Cecilia Edefalk thinks so. The art creates your creative ideas from nature and things with all tags. “Der Kontakt zu dieser begin Künstlerin ist durch de Kunsthistoriker und Kurator Moritz Wesseler zustande”, informed Christian Erbprinz zu Fürstenberg. These brilliant verbs with nature are beautiful and amazing.

Das sagen Besucher zur Kunst

Auch die zahlreichen Besucher were gegeistert von der Vielfalt der Ausstellung. For Susanne Reddeman (Leitung Sponsoring & Events) of the Fürstenberg Brauerei and her Tochter Chiara, “this interesting Ausstellung is a work of art for all sin. We work together with our friends in Donaueschingen, who are equally renowned for their artistic experiences.” Every Rajsp from Neudingen war of the Vielfalt der Farbe Blau begeistert. “I was so fortunate to have such pictures on my walls,” he said. Ute Meess from Donaueschingen describes the exhibition as light, light and inspiring. Keine Frage, that is the Donaueschinger and Baaremer Bürger diesen Kunstgenuss nicht gehen lassen wollen, but auch Besucher von weiter were gone dabei. So Inge Kloepfer and Theo Lang from Berlin. “If you have spent a long time on the road in Kauf, your experience is absolutely fantastic.”

The Ausstellung has not yet been finalized on November 30.

Von Jung is renowned

Since 2011, the Erbprinz and Erbprinses Christian and Jeannette van Fürstenberg have been a possibility for a renowned art teacher with a Fürstenberg-zeitgenössisch, a breiten Öffentlichkeit zu present. The young man who developed art in the Middle Ages is the grocer who can be considered an artist, while Cecilia Edefalk is the best contemporary of art history in Scandinavia.