
Das Zeichen auf der Bankkarte: Was the Wellen symbol bedeutet

Das Zeichen auf der Bankkarte: Was the Wellen symbol bedeutet

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With the bank card it is quickly possible to earn money. NFC is the Schlüssel-dazu. Was the Wellen symbol like this? Here it is Antwort.

Bargeldloses Bezahlen wird in Deutschland deutlich beliebter. If you choose between cash tokens and coins, it is best to use the card – for small amounts. The bank cards in most wallets are also financed on the Platz. Was it true that a map was essentially everything? If the name of the cards is in possession of the own account number of the teaching material, it will not take longer. If the bank or Sparkasse logo and the bank’s credit date have been used, most amounts have jumped in this case. Do you think the Wellen symbol is a good idea?

Was the Wellen symbol on the bank card? The contact points with the device can be changed

Das Zeichen auf der Bankkarte: Was the Wellen symbol bedeutet
Kein Reinstecken or Aufllegen more nötig: Thanks NFC can be a man with many bank cards that contact them. Because one’s own map is clear, man knows the Wellen symbol. © Michael Bihlmayer/Imago

Once you get bigger, it is best to use Wellen symbol to find a bank card directly on the chip. For the map display, it’s a simple, hilarious description: When the Wellen symbol appears on a map, a man can interact with these contact points. Man should no longer put the card in class or sign it immediately. Another Zetimeter can connect to the bank card and the payment terminal. If a Bezahl terminal has a geeignet, it is most difficult to fall into the Rule and recognize the well-known Wellen symbol.

Connection of card and terminal during Near Field Communication

If you contact the bank card, you can do the best Finanztip zumeist und der sogenanten Near Field Communication (kurz NFC). Auf deutsch lässt sich der Fachbegriff met “Nahfeldkommunikation” übersetzen. If you have a basic standard, the information about the two is compatible, and the contactless payment card and terminal ermöglicht.

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The NFC function is no longer possible with the bank card, for example on a smartphone. It is impossible to use convenient contacts on the Bezahlterminal with your own hands, so in the foreground you can use an integrated smartphone app and work on your own business.