
Wellness terrace and 14 new Zimmer: The Karlingerhaus is a Hotel

As a Jugendgästehaus, the Karlingerhaus in Königswiesen has been a large collection of debt classes, Vereinen and pfarrlichen Gruppierungen for a number of years. If you are going on a hiking and cycling tour, go through the Johannesweg or the region in the protected mountain bike network if you notice new Zielgruppen. This seminar will nehmen the Betreibergesellschaft rund um the Raiffeisenbank Mühlviertler Alm and kommendem year nor stärker ins Visier. You can turn around and rest during the winter months. The Investitionssumme has invested one million euros.

The best-known Umbau-umfasst voor allem das Dachgeschoss. “Here we will die in the years that 14 modern hotel zimmers have taken place,” says Karlingerhaus-Geschäftsführer Richard Obereder. De Zahl der versügbaren Zimmer Steigt Damit von der Zeit 13 auf 22. De Gesamtzahl der Betten bleibt mit 55 aber gleich. Be sure to visit the hall pool with a wellness terrace. The conversion was completed at the end of May 2025. Van November bis zur Wiedereröffnung bleibt das Haus perrt.

With those investments in the “Karlingerhaus – Hotel – Hostel – Home”, which have great value, we can only make more herbal and winter months more attractive for seminars and families. Auf eine Sterne-Bewertung is consciously considered. Man became active in the Three-Stern-Plus-Bereich, thus Obereder. Ziels, the 8000 Nächtigungen pro year a Drittel on etwa 11,000 on the jetty.

When the interior and furnishings of the hotel went to a new hotel, it became a man of the inhalation of the Karlingerhauss-treu, Verspricht Obereder: “Für our guest stays were not changed. Auch the people in the Karlingerhaus continue to live” . The behavior of guesthouses between employees and employees. As of June 2025, two sister employees were announced as Hausmeister and Grünanlagenbetreuer. Bewerbungen nehme man ab sofort entgegen, so Obereder.

On the market, the Karlingerhaus will position itself as an analog display. Konkret sollen die Guest ermutigt, een Urlaub im Mühlviertel ohne Smartphone und standard Erreichbarkeit zu genßen. Obereder: “Those personal decisions were made in the foreground. There are no digital maps and no display whatsoever in the Zimmern areas. Again Apps, nor digital codes, are no longer available. Statistics have become a library and many games, those old, Analog time has different meanings.” Bookings are free and available digitally on the internet.


Bernhard Leitner

Local editor Mühlviertel

Bernhard Leitner

Bernhard Leitner


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