
AfD party tag in Ulm: Hotel and bag money for Mitglieder

Beim AfD-Parteitag in Ulm is a real party. 25 Candidates for the Bundestag are selected. Die separated fragments: Aus welchem ​​​​Lager kommen sie?

Aktuell sitzen new AfD-Abgeordnete from Baden-Württemberg in the Bundestag. While the Sonntag Bundestagswahl in Baden-Württemberg besseres the right-wing populist AfD in Baden-Württemberg in a German way during the Bundestagswahl 2021. Zuletzt sahen Umfragen for the Landtagswahl die AfD bei bis 18 Prozent. If a Platz on the AfD’s Landeslijst is visited, the Stand also receives a ticket for the Bundestag. If you buy the Landes-Liste, you will join the party in your party in the Donauhalle in Ulm. Parteiintern stehen die Zeichen auf Nervosität and Stress.

An Abgeordneter of the AfD from Baden-Württemberg erklärt: “Our party is very split. We have a strong feeling among the Zersplitterung unter Jörg Meuthen erholt, neither in the Party nor in the Fraktionen in Bundestag or in Landtag.” Background: 2016 saw the AfD faction in the Stuttgarter Landtag dissolve in two years. Als monatelanger Trennung wurden vom damigen Fraktionschef Meuthen wieder nicht ammengeführt, Lagerkämpfe in Fraktion und Partei bliben jedoch an der Tagesordnung.

Anyone who has Alice Weidel with part of the internal business operations can find a separate fragment for those parts – and a re-organization.

Alice Weidel is now under Druck

Alice Weidel is running for an important job. The Platz Eins auf der Baden-Württembergische Landesliste für sie gilded als Ausgemacht. We are concerned about the political prominence of the AfD in Germany, which is why we dare to be more aggressive in the first place. What a greater Widersacher could Dirk Spaniel become. There is a seriousness of criticism in the national association, war between the own country esprecher and the undoing of the interests of Höcke-Lager and other national associations.


That AfD Bundessprecherin Alice Weidel.

Absprache der AfD-Spitze
Alice Weidel is a candidate for the AfD

The Gremien has never been so together, but a summary of the AfD’s Führungsspitze is the following: Alice Weidel will be part of the German Bundestagswahl 2025.

SWR1 Baden-Württemberg

SWR1 Baden-Württemberg

This is one of many comments made by the party in general. When the party entered, the AfD was probably self-harming. Aktuellstes Beispiel: Rottweil in February 2024. The harmful AfD traffic becomes a chaos party in the battle of the Baden-Württembergian AfD. The best of the parties are present in Rottweil on the stage and are sad because of the microphone. This represents the Halle as its small herauss and the many roads that are bridged. Alice Weidel spets damals von Sabotage. Hoederholt as a Schauspiel, cannot die from a bad Licht on the Parteispitze yards, but continues with his verbundene Spitzencandidate. A game from the Weidel-Lager form is like this: “Es darf in Ulm kein zweites Rottweil geben.”

Mitgliederparteitage since Besonderheit bei der AfD in BW

While the Bundesparteiten hit 600 delegations from the Entscheidungen, but in the Country the AfD-basic democratic and veranstaltet Mitgliederparteitage comes. The basic principle of the AfD in Baden-Württemberg is here: We come, we can bestimmen. Allen ran 6,000 Mitgliedern der Partei Stehen in Ulm im Prinzip die Türen offen. When we come, it is all separated from the Wahlergebnis from the Landeslijst. The Wahlen are intended for the Landesvorstand, where they are strong. It is a fact that the inner flow of the country is part of most of the mobilization of a section of the party. There is another problem: for most people who come into big halls, the cost of selling the German AfD is more money.

Nor in June did Weidel propose at a Bundespartytag an Antrag for a Satzungsänderung: “zur Umstellung auf a Delegiertensystem bei Landesverbänden über 5,000 Mitgliedern”. But the Antrag separated.

If you participate in the last years of the überlassen in Ulm, the lassen will recognize different maßnahmen, standing in the way of the Spitze in the national association and in the Kreisverbonden.

Rückblick: So love the Antrag Weidels beim Bundesparteitag:

Rundum-sorglos package for parteimitglieder for the AfD party

Vesper, Busfahrt and Hotel plus Taschengeld. Solche Rundum-sorglos-Pakete has a small Kreisverband in the form of the transitions that occur during the week, when they go and walk on the Parteitag. So in an email from a Kreisverband, which the SWR says: “Um Ihnen who is part of the party, Zimmer has reserved and organized Fahrgemeinschaften.” An organized bus service with a friendly Kreisverband is “independently cost-free”. It is a good idea to be part of a financial company, both participate over time. So it is reported in the Mail: “We are happy to inform you that you have received a travel allowance in the amount of 50 euros for your party in Ulm, so that you can be assured of a refund. If you wish to stay in a hotel room, you will be able to pay for it.”

Kritik an Wahlhinweisen in Mails voor AfD-Parteitag

This Mittel has its own Zweck: Tatsächlich since the Mails, in the denen auf the Rundum-sorglos-Pakket für the Parteitag hingwiesen wird, sisterätzlich auch with thisnten or the direct Wahlhinweisen delivered. The Wahlempfehlungen for Alice Weidel would be bitten, for the Candidates of the Kreisverband to stimulate – the ebenfalls Weidel-treu sind.

While Weidel-Gegner deleted the emails, another laconically replied with the Aussage “Stimmenvieh!”. There is a fragmentary version, more information about the admixture. After I found a solution one last time, it was no longer necessary to be part of the Weidel-Gegner Lager for another long-term part. If you are Zweifel, you will be rewarded with a rightful tax levy.

“Hohe Nervosität”: One party, three terms, another day

For the AfD, the federal government is close to the Wahl list of the Bundestag nur der Auftakt. Insgesamt the AfD will die during three weeks of 25 listens. For the Wahl on the Bundestagsliste, die Wochenenden die reserving, are the enormous amounts that part of the AfD-Führung on the Nachfrage zu can offer. First right in the background, it’s part of part of the Loch in the state. People will not risk that small tatsächlich, so the further explanation. Part of the form is a German kürzer: “Auch das is een Zeichen von hoher Nervosität.”