
Ehepaar Kara-Mursa mit Menschenrechtspreis ausgezeichnet

Ehepaar Kara-Mursa mit Menschenrechtspreis ausgezeichnet

The Russian Kremllegner Wladimir Kara-Mursa and his Frau Jewgenija will be extended the human rights of the Bruno Kreisky Foundation in Vienna. Both camps for the Freilassung other dissidents from the Russian Haft. Wladimir Kara-Mursa war after a 25-year treatise has spent political activities in August with a gefangeneausch zwischen Russia and the West-freigekommen.

Before Alexei Gorinov and the Siberian journalist Marija Ponomarenko visit the Moscow government council, they die a fragment of Leben and Tod. Both paths are critical in the Russian Angriffskrieg to allow the Ukraine to become langjährigen Haftstrafen.

Those Kara-Mursas desire to engage in the political leadership of the Western World: “If we have a strong struggle and a positive attitude towards society, the dictators are united and the overall life of democracy in the whole world is affected, one cannot remain neutral,” said Jewgenija Kara-Mursa der Nachrichtenagentur APA. They work for the Stiftung Free Russia Foundation.

Frühstücksspeck and Russian gas

Ihr Mann spoke in 1976 in a free relationship with dissident Wladimir Bukowski (1942-2019). It was written in my memoirs: “For the Western Politiker is the Möglichkeit, the Frühstücksspeck auf sowjetischem Gas zu grillen, wichtiger as die Menschenrechte.”